Is a terminal-automation software. You can access remote devices over telnet- and ssh2-protocol. It supports ASCII-, ANSI-, VT100- and xTerm-Terminals. The base-object of the THB-Terminal is the CfgEngine object, which has builtin support for login- and prompt- handling. So you don´t have to check for a login-prompt, for the cli-prompt or for the --more--prompt and so on.
#Load ConfigEngine-DLL the base-object of THB-Terminal
Add-Type -Path "C:\Progs\THB-Terminal\ConfigEngine.dll";
[ConfigEngine.ConfigEngine]$CfgEngine = [ConfigEngine.ConfigEngine]::new();
#Load configuration from a config-file
$CfgFile = ".\ConfigEngine.cfg";
if($Debug -eq $true) {
$CfgEngine.Debug = 1;
} else {
$CfgEngine.Debug = 0;
[String]$strCliResult = "";
# Login to the remote-device
$LoginResult = $CfgEngine.Login("", "ssh");
if($LoginResult -eq 0) {
Write-Output "Login failed.";
Write-Output "DeviceType: $($CfgEngine.GetDeviceType)";
if($CfgEngine.GetDeviceType -eq "Cisco-FP") {
$strCliResult = $CfgEngine.Execute("show failover state");
} elseif($CfgEngine.GetDeviceType -match "^Cisco.*") {
$strCliResult = $CfgEngine.Execute("terminal length 300");
$strCliResult = $CfgEngine.Execute("show version");
} elseif($CfgEngine.GetDeviceType -eq "HP") {
$strCliResult = $CfgEngine.Execute("show interface brief");
foreach($strLine in $strCliResult.Split("`n")) {
if($strLine -match "^[ ]+24[ ]+") {
Write-Output "Found IF-24...$($strLine)";
Write-Output $strCliResult;
if($CfgEngine.GetDeviceType -match "^Cisco$") {
#Change into config-mode
# only needed for devices with config-mode e.g: Cisco (IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR, ...), HP-Advanced-Series, HP-Aruba, H3C, ...
$strCliResult = $CfgEngine.Execute("do show clock");
Write-Output $strCliResult;
#Exit from config-mode
$CfgEngine = $null;
You can use Powershell-core for Windows and Linux. Powershell is only for Windows. For more informations see online:
Copy the content of this bin-folder to your local machine. And use it as shown in the examples.
int CfgEngine.Login("Device-IP", "Telnet")
int CfgEngine.Login("Device-IP", "SSH")
int CfgEngine.Login("Device-IP", "SSH", "Device-Type")
for "Device-Type" see below: CfgEngine.GetDeviceType
Result •0 Login failed. •1 Login was successfull. Description Login to a device.
void CfgEngine.doLogout()
Result No Result ist returned. Description Logout from device.
int CfgEngine.Jump2NextDevice(DeviceIP, ConnectOptions) only for telnet-access.
Result •0 Login failed. •1 Login was successfull in Usermode. •2 Login was successfull in Enablemode. Description Open a connection to a other device.
void CfgEngine.EnterConfigMode()
Result No result. Description Change into config-mode.
void CfgEngine.ExitConfigMode()
Result No result. Description Exit from config-mode.
string CfgEngine.Execute(Command)
Result The output of the executed command. Description Execute a command, returns the output of this command and waits for the prompt.
void CfgEngine.print(Command)
Result No result. Description Execute a command and do not wait for the prompt.
void CfgEngine.put(Command)
Result No result. Description Send a command without a \n and do not wait for the prompt.
string CfgEngine.ShowScreen()
Result Returns the current content of the session. Description Show the current content of the telnet-/ssh- session.
void CfgEngine.DeleteScreen()
Result No result. Description Clear the current content of the telnet-/ssh- session.
string CfgEngine.GetDeviceType
Result Returns the detected device-type. HP, Cisco, Cisco-IOS-XR, Cisco WLC, H3C Description Cisco............Cisco IOS or IOS-XE based device. Cisco-IOS-XR.....Cisco IOS-XR based device. Cisco WLC........Cisco WLAN Controller. Cisco-ASA........Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance. Cisco-FP.........Cisco FirePower Security Appliance. HP...............HP Procurve device. H3C..............HP A-Series or H3C device. Linux............Linux, Unix, ...
string CfgEngine.WaitFor(string[] searchFor, bool CaseSensitive, int TimeOut)
Result Returns the detected content of the session. Description Search for some strings and returns the result or null.
string CfgEngine.WaitForString(string searchFor)
Result Returns the detected content of the session. Description Search for a string and returns the result or null.
string CfgEngine.WaitForRegEx(string RegExp)
Result Returns the detected content of the session. Description Search for a Regular-Expression-string and returns the result or null.
string CfgEngine.detectNewPrompt()
Result Returns true if a new prompt was found and false if no prompt was found. Description Tries to detect the new console-prompt.
CfgEngine.setCliUsers (only for adding new Users)
CfgEngine.setCliUsers = "NameOfUser1,NameOfUser2,Username3"
Result No result. Description Add new CLI-Users, which are used at CfgEngine.Login. Important set also a Password for each added User with CfgEngine.setCliUserPwds.
CfgEngine.setCliUserPwds (only for adding new Passwords)
CfgEngine.setCliUserPwds = "Pwd4User1,Pwd4User2,Pwd4Username3"
Result No Result. Description Add new CLI-User-Passwords, which are used at CfgEngine.Login. Important set also a Username for each added password with CfgEngine.setCliUsers.
CfgEngine.setCliPwds (only for adding new Passwords)
CfgEngine.setCliPwds = "cli-Pwd1,cli-Pwd2,cli-Pwd3"
Result No Result. Description Add new CLI-Passwords, which are used at CfgEngine.Login.
CfgEngine.setEnablePwds (only for adding new enable-Passwords)
CfgEngine.setEnablePwds = "cli-enable-Pwd1,cli-enable-Pwd2,cli-enable-Pwd3"
Result No Result. Description Add new CLI-enable-Passwords, which are used at CfgEngine.EnterConfigMode.
CfgEngine.DeleteCliLogins (Delete all predefined CLI-Logins)
Result No Result. Description Delete all predefined CLI-Logins, which are used at CfgEngine.Login.
CfgEngine.DeleteCliPwds (Deletes all cli-Passwords)
Result No Result. Description Delete all predefined CLI-Passwords, which are used at CfgEngine.Login.
CfgEngine.DeleteEnablePwds (Delete all enable-Passwords)
Result No Result. Description Delete all predefined CLI-enable-Passwords, which are used at CfgEngine.EnterConfigMode.
Result No Result. Description Set the Debug-Mode, only for testing.
Result Returns the version-string of this library. Description