New in this version:
- Re-released after fixing code signing issues (issue #9)
New in version 1.11:
- Greatly improved wait times while parsing new systems (issue #7)
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused duplicate systems to be created while updating systems from EDSM (issue #8)
- Fixed bug that caused some systems to be lost if an update got interrupted (issue #5)
- Yet another attempt at fixing the map screen crashing issues (issue #3)
New in version 1.10:
- Fixed bug that could cause the application to crash when entering the screenshots screen
New in version 1.9:
- Thousand-fold increase in performance when parsing systems from EDSM
- Added contextual menus to screenshots screen, with ability to preview, delete and open Finder window on selected screenshot(s)
New in version 1.8:
- Added screenshots management with auto-conversion to PNG and auto-renaming to timestamp and system name
- Added ability to see distance from current system to any selected system with known coordinates
- Added ability to hide / unhide jumps from the 2D map (by right-clicking on them from the travel history and selecting the relevant action)
- Improved systems update mechanism
New in version 1.7:
- Added 2D galaxy map with travelled line and markers for systems with user notes
- Fixed a series of crashes when accessing trilateration screen with an unpopulated travel history
- Other smaller fixes and clean-ups
New in version 1.6:
- Fixed newly inserted notes not appearing in travel history jump list
New in version 1.5:
- Bug fixes for commanders who have large amounts of jumps not yet sent to EDSM
New in version 1.4:
- In travel history, calculate jump distance directly if both systems have known coordinates
- Fixed bug where jumps list would not update in real time in travel history
New in version 1.3:
- Added ability to delete single jumps from travel history (and EDSM, if an account has been configured)
- Fixed yet another crashing bug in suggested systems calculation for trilateration
- Fixed yet another crashing bug in trilateration screen
New in version 1.2:
- Fixed bug in sending netlog-parsed system coordinates to EDSM
New in previous versions:
- Added support for engineers (1.6 / 2.1) netlog file format
- Send parsed system coordinates to EDSM, if available
- Fixed crashing bug in suggested systems calculation for trilateration
- Fixed crashing bug in trilateration screen
Needless to say, you need to enable verbose logging on your ED installation.
At first launch, you should set:
- your CMDR name
- your ED log path
- your EDSM api key
After configuring your data, the application will:
- fetch all systems with known coordinates from EDSM
- parse all netlog files and create local jump database
- fetch your complete jump history form EDSM
- fetch all your comments from EDSM
- add to local database any jumps present only on EDSM
- send to EDSM any jumps present only in the local database
If you have a large number of netlog files, this can take a few minutes. Subsequent launches should be much faster.
At subsequent launches, the application will:
- fetch new systems from EDSM
- fetch new comments FROM EDSM
- parse new jumps from netlog files
- sync new jumps from / to EDSM
After launch and while it is running, the application will:
- monitor your netlog files for new jumps in real time
- add new jumps to your EDSM jump history in real time
- request system information for new jumps in real time from EDSM
All this is done automatically without user interaction.
UI side, at present you can:
- switch between different commanders (each will have its own settings and data)
- add / delete commanders
- browse your jump history
- select single jumps and see system information
- add / edit / remove comments (changes will be synced to EDSM)
- see submitted distances from other systems (suspicious distances will be marked in red)
- trilaterate systems by adding distances to system with known coordinates
- submit distances to EDSM
- see a 2D map of your travel history, with markers for systems with user notes
- configure the screenshots dir for your ED installation
If you choose to configure the screenshots dir, EDDiscovery will:
- parse the contents and the directory
- match them against your travel history
- rename the files in PNG format, using timestamp and system name as file names
- monitor the directory for changes and manage newly added files accordingly
- display miniatures of the screenshots from within EDDiscovery