Debite: A full text-based Ninite clone for (latest) Debian
Welcome! This is Debite, a Ninite clone for setting up Debian systems unattended. Runs via a dialog-based text user interface, or directly via the commandline!
None! Just download the script and run it. Anything that it needs will be grabbed automatically.
# Start with the TUI:
sudo ./
# Help:
sudo ./ -help
# One-lined installations:
sudo ./ 1 2 3 4 etc etc etc
Running with -help will allow you to easily get a list of software. By using this, pick associated number in the list and add it to your commnd line to start installing in a one-liner!
- 1 Add all extra repositories (Will add non-free and contrib via seperated list files.)
- 2 Console-related tools (Most-used utils that are all pure command line.)
- 3 LXDE Setup
- 4 LXQt Setup
- 5 GUI-driven software
- 6 nVidia Driver (latest stable)
- 7 Visual Studio Code
- 8 Telegram Desktop
- 9 Wine32+Wine64
- 10 Discord
- 11 Airsonic Music Server
- 12 KVM+Manager
- 13 DeaDBeeF Music Player
- 14 Lutris
- 15 Minecraft Launcher (Official)
- 16 LAMP Stack
- 17 Tor Browser
- 18 Zoom Workplace for Linux
- 19 Slack for Linux
- 20 TeamViewer
- 21 Steam
- 22 Google Chrome
- 23 XRDP + Sound support (Removed, see mentioned URL for a better script)
- 25 Whipper
- 26 Jellyfin
- 27 Plex
- 28 Docker
- 29 Pi-Hole (Preconfiguration required)
- 30 Signal Desktop
- 31 Virtualbox
Modify as much as you want to your needs, do feel free! If any issues occour or you spot something else that's wrong or could be improved, do tell!