This is a Collection of Deep learning Examples written in Javascript, Quasar, and Vue.js
These instructions will get your copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Quasar CLI
npm install --save quasar-cli -g
npm install --save vue-cli -g
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Change directory into the project folder and install Prerequisites
cd /path/to/project
npm install
Run a local Dev Server with Hot Reload
quasar dev
This will open the application in your default browser and automatically rebuild and refresh the page anytime the local code changes.
To build for production run;
quasar clean
quasar build
- Quasar-Framework - File templating, app processing, and just general goodness.
- Vue.js - Glorious Semantic Front End Framework
- Synaptic.js - Used to generate and train Neural Networks
- Brain.js - Used to generate and train Neural Networks
- Royce Birnbaum - Durban-Designer
- Kris St. John - Spiralis-Solutions
- Avery Angel - McKibbN
- Bon Goodman - Grapetoast
- Razvan Stoenescu for making Quasar Framework which is by and large the most amazingly useful technology in my toolbelt other than Vue.js
- Speaking of Vue.js Evan Yu for making Vue.js the most semantic, easy to use, and overall lovely front end framework available.
- The Authors of Synaptic.js and Brain.js for making some wonderful deep learning libraries