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The shell

Ahmad K. Bawaneh edited this page Nov 7, 2021 · 1 revision

To create the shell of the application we will also use Domino-cli. the shell will be activated in regard of the token, and should be a singleton, with only route once, and should register two slots left-panel and content.

  • In the root folder of the project open a terminal and execute the following command

    dominokit gen module -n shell -p shell -sp shell

  • This will create a shell module in the project with a shell proxy

Shell module

Now we will edit the shell module before test and run our application :

  • In the shell-shared module delete the ShellService interface as we won't use it in this tutorial.

  • In the ShellProxy remove the import of the ShellServiceFactory.

  • In the @AutoRoute remove the argument token and add routeOnce = true.

  • Add @Singletonannotation.

  • Remove the implements ShellView.ShellUiHandlers part

  • Delete the method onShellInit.

  • Delete the content of the method onShellRevealed but keep the method.

  • Now back to the shell-shared module and add a class Slots with 2 constants as the following

    public class Slots {
      public static final String LEFT_PANEL="left-panel";
      public static final String CONTENT="content";
  • Now back to the ShellProxy class, add the annotation @RegisterSlots({Slots.LEFT_PANEL, Slots.CONTENT})

    The shell proxy should look like this after those changes

    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.presenter.AutoReveal;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.presenter.AutoRoute;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.presenter.OnReveal;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.presenter.PresenterProxy;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.presenter.RegisterSlots;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.presenter.Singleton;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.presenter.Slot;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.mvp.presenter.ViewBaseClientPresenter;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.shared.extension.PredefinedSlots;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    @PresenterProxy(name = "Shell")
    @AutoRoute(routeOnce = true)
    @RegisterSlots({Slots.LEFT_PANEL, Slots.CONTENT})
    public class ShellProxy extends ViewBaseClientPresenter<ShellView> {
        private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShellProxy.class);
        public void onShellRevealed() {
  • Open the ShellView interface and delete welcomeMessage method.

  • delete the ShellUiHandlers inner interface.

  • Remove the extends of HasUiHandlers.

    The ShellView class should look like the following after those changes :

    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.mvp.view.ContentView;
    public interface ShellView extends ContentView {
  • In the shell-frontend-ui open the ShellViewImpl class.

  • Remove the uiHandlers field and its setter method.

  • Remove the welcomeMessage method.

  • Now we will use Domino-ui to implement a simple layout.

  • Add a layout field and implement the init method like the following :

    import elemental2.dom.HTMLDivElement;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.UiView;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.layout.Layout;
    import org.dominokit.domino.view.BaseElementView;
    @UiView(presentable = ShellProxy.class)
    public class ShellViewImpl extends BaseElementView<HTMLDivElement> implements ShellView{
        private Layout layout= Layout.create("Book store");
        public HTMLDivElement init() {
            return layout.element();
  • Now try to build the project, and we should get an error saying something like this

    java: cannot find symbol
    symbol:   method getLeftPanelSlot()
    location: variable view of type V

    This is because the proxy is registering slots, but these slots are not implemented by the view, we will fix them next.

  • Open the ShellView interface and make it extend from ShellProxySlots generated interface

    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.mvp.view.ContentView;
    public interface ShellView extends ContentView, ShellProxySlots {
  • Open the ShellViewImpl and make it implement the two new methods like the following :

        public IsSlot<?> getLeftPanelSlot() {
            return SingleElementSlot.of(layout.getLeftPanel());
        public IsSlot<?> getContentSlot() {
            return SingleElementSlot.of(layout.getContentPanel());

    If we build again, the error should be gone.

  • Now in the project root folder open a terminal and run mvn clean install.

Running the project

For Intellij Idea users this should be just picking the Development run configuration then click run

Intellij run

but we can also run from the terminal, following the instructions in the readme file.

In project root folder :

  • In one terminal run mvn gwt:codeserver -pl *-frontend -am

    This will run the code-server that will incrementally build the project and compile it to javascript as we make changes

  • In another terminal cd bookstore-backend
  • execute mvn exec:java

    This will run the server that serves out index page the javascript being compiled out of our application and any other static resources.

  • In the browser open http://localhost:8080
  • The code server will start compiling the application and will show a message saying Compiling bookstore
  • Wait until it finish, and you should see the application layout. Shell empty