A role-playing game tech demo written in Ruby and Gosu circa 2013. Actually a Ruby port of a game engine I made in 2003 in BlitzBasic.
- Movement not implemented :)
(arrow keys) Control the player
space Activate/trigger stuff in the world, make choices in text
esc Quits the game
d Show/hide debug information (grid, hotspot markers etc)
f Show/hide frame rate
All resources were created in Oct 2001. I know I did the house tiles by myself, looking at Final Fantasy VI a lot to imitate their patterns. The walls were kind of copied from Final Fantasy V, the grass I don't know anymore. Bushes, trees ugly sand, mushy paths and all character sprites were my very own creation as far as I can remember.
The text box (at least its colors) was ripped from a QuickBASIC 4.5 RPG demo called "Untitled" by Tsugumo (= Jeff Hangartner, IIRC) and his friend FrozenEmu. These two I owe a lot: Tsugumo and FrozenEmu answered some dumb questions about scripting, file I/O, game logic and the like waaaaaay back in 1999--2000 or so, when I still fought with QuickBASIC.
Visit https://christiantietze.de/ for more links, downloads and infos on my projects and me.
in this repository.