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Ditti4 edited this page Jan 1, 2013 · 2 revisions

You may be interested in the usercommands management.

It's really simple to add your own commands, just follow this guide.

Note: the usercommands are still unfinished, things may change and things may be added. So please check this wiki page from time to time.

Step 1

Open up the commands.xml file. In there is already one command (the !quit command). As you see you have two lines per command, every command is covered by <item> tags.

To add your own command add a new <item> tag underneath the first item, you may also delete the !quit command.

Step 2

Now inside of your <item> block add the tags for the <command> and the <trigger>. You may also add the tag <perm> to use the simple permission system introduced in 0d94682449. To make the command only executable for a specific user you may add a nickname between the perm tags. It should now look like this:

Blank command

Step 3

Inside of the <command> tag add the command for which the bot should listen. So adding "hello" here makes the bot listen to "!hello".

Inside of the <trigger> tag you may add the things the bot should do for you. For example "PRIVMSG #testchan :hello everyone" will make the bot say "hello everyone" in the channel #testchan.

Your commands.xml may now look like this:

The finished command

Special variables

There are some special variables you may use in the trigger. Here is a list of them:

  • {$sender} - The nickname of the command issuer
  • {$args} - All arguments given to the command devided by spaces
  • {$arg(number)} ({$arg1}) - The numberth argument given to the command
  • {$channel} - The channel or the user the command came from
  • {$time} - The time when the command was issued
  • {$cmd} - The command itself - was added for debugging purposes
  • {$soh} - The "Start of heading" char - needed for /me actions (wiki page coming)
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