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User Authentication

Dikshali edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 2 revisions

User Authentication

Sign Up

User can create an account in the application, by filling in details like Name, email, password, city, gender and these details are stored in Firebase (Firebase Auth for email and password, Firebase Database for other details, Firebase Storage for images).

Sign In

If the user already has an account, they can sign in using the username and password.

Forgot password

If the user forgets password, can click on forgot password link where user will receive an appropriate email to change the password.


Firebase Auth

  • signInWithEmailAndPassword method is used when signing in where email and password is verified with the one in system.
  • createUserWithEmailAndPassword method is used when signing up in the system, It adds the user and in return we get the UID for the user, which is used in storing other details in Firebase Database and Storage.
  • If the user is already signed in, onStart of the activity Firebase User is created by fetching the current user and directly open the application instead of getting Login activity.
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