Progetto finale del corso di Cloud Services (2019-2020) che prevede la realizzazione di un sito web per la gestione di un catalogo personale di foto.
This project will also make use of SimpleMVC Framework from Enrico Zimuel, which can be found here:
Prerequisites: Software
- Php 7.3^
- Composer
- Curl enabled for php
- A mongodb (v4.2^) instance running on your local machine and php mongo extension enabled.
Prerequisites: Azure
- An existing Blob subscription with a container (with access to get connection details)
- An exisiting Computer Vision subscription (with access to get connection details)
Activate the mongoDb extension for php from your php.ini file and restart the service
Enable curl for php (if needed install the required packages on your machine)
Run the
composer install
command from your terminal pointing to the main folder of this app -
From /config folder make a copy of config.template.env and rename it config.env. Then replace the palceholder values with those that suite your environment (please do not change the COOKIES_TO_ENCRYPT parameter).
Then from your terminal run the command
php dbseed/index.php
to create the db user for the application (further details about this operation can be found in /dbseed/ -
Start a webserver with /public folder as the root folder for the application.