AdvancedBan [1.7-1.15] v2.1.7 | Fixes and better error handling
[+] /check now shows whether the player's data is currently cached
[~] Fixed message for /unpunish
[~] Fixed permissions for /warns
[~] Fixed issue with using Time or Message Layouts in v2.1.6
[~] Stacktraces of errors will now be written to the advancedban log files for easier debugging
[~] AdvancedBan won't check users that have already been denied access by other plugins (Prevents server crash during bot attacks)
Required action: none
Recommended action:
Replace the Check:
section in the Messages.yml
with the following:
Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/check [Name]"
Header: "&7Checking &e&o%NAME% &8(%CACHED%&8)"
UUID: "&cUUID &8\xbb &7%UUID% &8(%CACHED%&8)"
IP: "&cIP &8\xbb &7%IP% &8(%CACHED%&8)"
Geo: "&cCountry &8\xbb &7%LOCATION%"
Mute: "&cMuted &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
MuteReason: " &cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
Ban: "&cBanned &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
BanReason: " &cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
Warn: "&cWarns &8\xbb &7%COUNT%"
NotFound: "&cSorry we have not been able to find %NAME%"
Cached: "&a&ocached"
NotCached: "&c&onot cached"