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18.2 Sprint 8

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@BingoRUS BingoRUS released this 19 Oct 16:39
· 1301 commits to 18_2 since this release

New Features

  • HTML Editor widget

  • Button Group widget

    • The ButtonGroup renders a group of toggle buttons to show states of related options. Live example is available here.
  • Data Visualization

    • The wholeRange option defines the range where the axis can be zoomed and scrolled while the visualRange option defines the axis's displayed range. Both options are applied to the chart's argumentAxis and valueAxis. Documentation is available: wholeRange, visualRange.
    • The new zoomAndPan option group helps you to tune zooming and scrolling of a chart in your applications (live demo):
      • zoomAndPan.allowGestures and zoomAndPan.allowMouseWheel options indicate how user can zoom and scroll a chart;
      • zoomAndPan.argumentAxis and zoomAndPan.valueAxis options indicate what exactly can be zoomed and scrolled (zooming by value axis was not available in previous releases);
      • zoomAndPan.dragToZoom option provides the capability to select the desired area using the mouse and the current selection can be customized using zoomAndPan.dragBoxStyle option;
      • if dragToZoom is enabled, the panKey option allows setting the keyboard key to distinguish zooming and scrolling actions.
  • DataGrid / TreeList

    • The new set of focus options (focusedRowEnabled, focusedRowKey, focusedRowIndex), methods (navigateToRow) and events (focusedRowChanging, focusedRowChanged, focusedCellChanging, focusedCellChanged) helps to navigate through a DataGrid or a TreeList using keyboard and process a user navigation if you need it. Check the focused row live example here.
  • Scheduler

    • The new groupByDate option provides the capability to group Scheduler appointments first by date and then by resources. Join the discussion and check live example here.
  • Widgets

    • New masked input feature of DateBox widget allows you to specify a date mask and control a user input. The live example is available.
    • The stylingMode option helps to customize the appearance of editors and buttons to satisfy the needs of your application style. The modes follow Material Design guidelines but are available both for Material and Generic themes. Check live examples for editors and buttons.
