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Chat: Add screenshot tests
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marker-dao authored Sep 13, 2024
1 parent 5c4f164 commit 4e7d2fa
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Showing 62 changed files with 353 additions and 72 deletions.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions e2e/testcafe-devextreme/tests/chat/avatar.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import { createScreenshotsComparer } from 'devextreme-screenshot-comparer';
import Chat from 'devextreme-testcafe-models/chat';
import { createUser, generateMessages, avatarUrl } from './data';
import url from '../../helpers/getPageUrl';
import { createWidget } from '../../helpers/createWidget';
import { testScreenshot } from '../../helpers/themeUtils';
import { appendElementTo } from '../../helpers/domUtils';

.page(url(__dirname, '../container.html'));

test('Chat: avatar', async (t) => {
const { takeScreenshot, compareResults } = createScreenshotsComparer(t);
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Avatar with initials.png', { element: '#chat' });

const chat = new Chat('#chat');

const userFirst = createUser(1, 'First', avatarUrl);
const userSecond = createUser(2, 'Second', avatarUrl);

const items = generateMessages(2, userFirst, userSecond, false, false, 2);

await chat.option('items', items);

await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Avatar with image.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t
}).before(async () => {
await appendElementTo('#container', 'div', 'chat');

const userFirst = createUser(1, 'First');
const userSecond = createUser(2, 'Second');

const items = generateMessages(2, userFirst, userSecond, false, false, 2);

return createWidget('dxChat', {
width: 400,
height: 600,
user: userSecond,
}, '#chat');
72 changes: 0 additions & 72 deletions e2e/testcafe-devextreme/tests/chat/common.ts

This file was deleted.

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions e2e/testcafe-devextreme/tests/chat/data/index.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
avatarUrl: string;

export const avatarUrl = '';
export const lineBreaks = '\n\n';

export const createUser = (id: number, name: string, url = ''): User => ({
avatarUrl: url,

export const timestamp = new Date(1721747399083);

export const getLongText = (useLineBreaks = false, length = 1): string => {
const UUID = '9138cf2e-ced3-426a-bb53-4478536f690b';
const longItem = '1826403415222858765740359115719081097182452189907242163763639765588452014727158270738379423360950761826403415222858765740359115719081097182452189907';
const longItemArray = Array(length).fill(longItem);
const longString = longItemArray.join('');

const result = `${UUID}:${useLineBreaks ? lineBreaks : ''}${longString}`;

return result;

export const getShortText = (useLineBreaks = false): string => {
const value = `Short${useLineBreaks ? lineBreaks : ' '}text`;

return value;

export const generateMessages = (
length: number,
userFirst: User,
userSecond = userFirst,
useLongText = false,
useLineBreaks = false,
coefficient = 4,
n = 1,
): any => {
const messages = Array.from({ length: length * n }, (_, i) => {
const text = useLongText
? getLongText(useLineBreaks)
: getShortText(useLineBreaks);

const getAuthor = () => {
if (n > 1) {
return i >= length ? userSecond : userFirst;

return i % coefficient === 0 ? userFirst : userSecond;

const item = {
author: getAuthor(),

return item;

return messages;
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41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions e2e/testcafe-devextreme/tests/chat/messageBox.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { createScreenshotsComparer } from 'devextreme-screenshot-comparer';
import Chat from 'devextreme-testcafe-models/chat';
import { getShortText, getLongText } from './data';
import url from '../../helpers/getPageUrl';
import { createWidget } from '../../helpers/createWidget';
import { testScreenshot } from '../../helpers/themeUtils';
import { appendElementTo } from '../../helpers/domUtils';

.page(url(__dirname, '../container.html'));

test('Chat: messagebox', async (t) => {
const { takeScreenshot, compareResults } = createScreenshotsComparer(t);

const chat = new Chat('#chat');
const shortText = getShortText();
const longText = getLongText(false, 5);

await chat.focus();
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagebox when chat has focus.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t.typeText(chat.getInput(), shortText);
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagebox when input contains short text.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t.typeText(chat.getInput(), longText);
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagebox when input contains long text.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t.pressKey('tab');
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagebox when send button has focus.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t
}).before(async () => {
await appendElementTo('#container', 'div', 'chat');

return createWidget('dxChat', {
width: 400,
height: 600,
}, '#chat');
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions e2e/testcafe-devextreme/tests/chat/messageBubble.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import { createScreenshotsComparer } from 'devextreme-screenshot-comparer';
import Chat from 'devextreme-testcafe-models/chat';
import { createUser, generateMessages } from './data';
import url from '../../helpers/getPageUrl';
import { createWidget } from '../../helpers/createWidget';
import { testScreenshot } from '../../helpers/themeUtils';
import { appendElementTo } from '../../helpers/domUtils';

.page(url(__dirname, '../container.html'));

test('Chat: messagebubble', async (t) => {
const { takeScreenshot, compareResults } = createScreenshotsComparer(t);

const chat = new Chat('#chat');

const userFirst = createUser(1, 'First');
const userSecond = createUser(2, 'Second');

let items = generateMessages(2, userFirst, userSecond, true, false, 2);

await chat.option({ items, user: userSecond });
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Bubbles with long text.png', { element: '#chat' });

items = generateMessages(2, userFirst, userSecond, true, true, 2);

await chat.option({ items });
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Bubbles with long text with line breaks.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t
}).before(async () => {
await appendElementTo('#container', 'div', 'chat');

return createWidget('dxChat', {
width: 400,
height: 600,
}, '#chat');
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions e2e/testcafe-devextreme/tests/chat/messageGroup.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
import { createScreenshotsComparer } from 'devextreme-screenshot-comparer';
import Chat from 'devextreme-testcafe-models/chat';
import {
} from './data';
import url from '../../helpers/getPageUrl';
import { createWidget } from '../../helpers/createWidget';
import { testScreenshot } from '../../helpers/themeUtils';
import { appendElementTo, setStyleAttribute } from '../../helpers/domUtils';

const CHAT_AVATAR_SELECTOR = '.dx-chat-message-avatar';

.page(url(__dirname, '../container.html'));

test('Chat: messagegroup, avatar rendering', async (t) => {
const { takeScreenshot, compareResults } = createScreenshotsComparer(t);

await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Avatar has correct position.png', { element: '#chat' });

await setStyleAttribute(Selector(CHAT_AVATAR_SELECTOR), 'width: 64px; height: 64px');
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Avatar sizes do not affect indentation between bubbles.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t
}).before(async () => {
await appendElementTo('#container', 'div', 'chat');

const userFirst = createUser(1, 'First');
const items = generateMessages(3, userFirst);

return createWidget('dxChat', {
width: 400,
height: 600,
}, '#chat');

test('Chat: messagegroup, information', async (t) => {
const { takeScreenshot, compareResults } = createScreenshotsComparer(t);

await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Information row with long user name.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t
}).before(async () => {
await appendElementTo('#container', 'div', 'chat');

const userFirst = createUser(1, getLongText());
const userSecond = createUser(2, getLongText());

const items = generateMessages(2, userFirst, userSecond, false, false, 2);

return createWidget('dxChat', {
width: 400,
height: 600,
user: userSecond,
}, '#chat');

test('Chat: messagegroup, bubbles', async (t) => {
const { takeScreenshot, compareResults } = createScreenshotsComparer(t);

const chat = new Chat('#chat');

const userFirst = createUser(1, 'First');
const userSecond = createUser(2, 'Second');

let items = generateMessages(1, userFirst, userSecond, false, false, 4, 2);

await chat.option({ items, user: userSecond });
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagegroup with 1 bubble.png', { element: '#chat' });

items = generateMessages(2, userFirst, userSecond, false, false, 4, 2);

await chat.option({ items });
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagegroup with 2 bubbles.png', { element: '#chat' });

items = generateMessages(3, userFirst, userSecond, false, false, 4, 2);

await chat.option({ items });
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagegroup with 3 bubbles.png', { element: '#chat' });

items = generateMessages(4, userFirst, userSecond, false, false, 4, 2);

await chat.option({ items });
await testScreenshot(t, takeScreenshot, 'Messagegroup with 4 bubbles.png', { element: '#chat' });

await t
}).before(async () => {
await appendElementTo('#container', 'div', 'chat');

return createWidget('dxChat', {
width: 400,
height: 600,
}, '#chat');

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