We based the configuration of the project on this boilerplate with a Flask backend and React frontend
The Flask server runs on localhost:5000 and the Webpack development server on port 3000, which does not support communication with the server because of CORS policy.
- Clone the repository!
cd RestaurantOrderApp
- Create a virtual environment
Python 3:
python -m venv flask-react
- Install dependencies and set up the server
In one tab
- install frontend and backend dependencies and start the Flask server
on Linux and macOS:
sh setup.sh
on Windows:
In another tab
- start frontend development server (optional)
cd app && npm start
These steps are only relevant if you did not execute the setup.sh inside a virtual environment before! If you did, you can skip this part!
To work inside a virtual environment you need to create it first:
Python 3:
cd RestaurantOrderApp
python -m venv flask-react
After this is done activate the virtual environment:
on Linux and macOS:
source flask-react/bin/activate
on Windows:
Now you are inside the flask-react virtual environment and you can go on and install the dependencies from requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
on Linux and macOS:
cd RestaurantOrderApp
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
export FLASK_APP=server.py
on Windows:
cd RestaurantOrderApp
set FLASK_APP=server.py
Now you can run Flask correctly in the virtual environment:
python server.py
The outpout should look as follows:
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 473-603-352
(9698) wsgi starting up on
To exit the virtual environment just type in deactivate in your console from any directory.
In one tab
- start the backend server
on Linux and macOS:
cd RestaurantOrderApp/app
npm run backend:unix
or manually run it using:
cd RestaurantOrderApp/
python server.py
on Windows:
cd RestaurantOrderApp\
npm run backend:win
or manually run it using:
cd RestaurantOrderApp/
python server.py
In another tab
- start frontend development server(optional)
cd RestaurantOrderApp/app
npm start
The deployed app works correctly, since it has the same origin as the server (port 5000).
cd RestaurantOrderApp/app
npm run build
on Linux and macOS:
cd RestaurantOrderApp/app
npm run backend:unix
on Windows:
cd RestaurantOrderApp/app
npm run backend:win
Visit http://localhost:5000 to view the deployed app!