This library used to implement update functionality in react-native application.
In Android side, I use codepush and xpdate to get things work.
In IOS side, things become complicated, there not have a method to just download install package and notice user override the old application as they do in Android side. Due to user only can update application from App Store.
So I offer a function to check if there have newer version in App Store, so you need implement your own notice window(or other manner) and bridge it with update lint hook which provided by this library.
This toolkit depends on some libraries. So you need install them first :
yarn add react-native-code-push react-native-android-xupdate react-native-update-toolkit
Notice : official react-native-code-push library call some function during initialize which will violate the privacy rules enacted by application store. So I make a patch to solve this problem, you can use following package :
"react-native-code-push": "git+ssh://[email protected]:deepcodestudio/gitpkg-repository.git#react-native-code-push-v7.0.5-gitpkg-fix"
After that, you also need some steps to reach the end point.
config react-native-code-push in android side
How to change background of xupdate update notice window
step1 : declare update service·
import {ApplicationUpdateService} from 'react-native-update-toolkit';
import {isAndroid} from 'react-native-deepcode-toolkit/src/utils/ui/systemSpec';
import DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info';
import {debug} from '@config/index';
export const updateService = new ApplicationUpdateService(
iosBundleId: DeviceInfo.getBundleId(),
iosVersion: DeviceInfo.getVersion(),
updateServiceHost: debug ? '' : '',
applicationId: DeviceInfo.getBundleId(),
versionName: DeviceInfo.getVersion(),
updateArgs: {
themeColor: 'purple',
buttonTextColor: '#FFFFFF',
step2 : initialize update service in entry of your application
useEffect(() => {
//xupdate initializer(codepush + xupdate in android platform)
if (isAndroid) {
//change state bar
}, []);
step3 : check if have new version in Home screen or whereever you want to check
The update-window will pop-up if there have newer version in android platform, but you need display update-window by your self in ios platform
//region when launch home screen , check android and ios native update
const [displayIosUpdateWindow, setDisplayIosUpdateWindow] = useState<IosUpdateCheckResult>({
shouldUpdate: false,
useEffect(() => {
result => {
() => {
//check update silently , so don't notice user not have update
}, []);
you can also check if there have newer version use standalone function, it's useful when you need display red point indicate if there have a version can be updated!
const [hasUpdate, setHasUpdate] = useState<boolean>(false);
useEffect(() => {
() => {
() => {
//not have update
//check update silently , so don't notice user not have update
() => {
//service not avaliable, you can log it or do nothing
}, []);
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