A rusted Tower Defense game !
- SFML 2.2
- C++11
The Data compiler program allows to compress data in a single binary file. To use the binary loading, you just have to change ENTITIES_LOADING_MODE to LOAD_BIN in config.hpp To compile the data compiler, you need to create a new compilation target that implements the following rules :
- Define constant DATA_COMPILER
- Compile with files :
- Animation.hpp
- Animation.cpp
- config.hpp
- TCreep.hpp
- TCreep.cpp
- TDoodad.hpp
- TDoodad.cpp
- tinyxml2.h
- tinyxml2.cpp
- TTower.hpp
- TTower.cpp
- Link with the following options :
- sfml-graphics
- sfml-window
- sfml-system
You can also use the following makefile in root directory (don't forget to place tab characters for rules)
#Change CC, SFML_PATH and TARGET according to your system
CFLAGS=-std=c++11 -W -Wall -O2 -DNDEBUG -Doff64_t=_off64_t -DDATA_COMPILER -I$(SFML_PATH)/include
LOPTS=-lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
CFILES=src/lib/Animation.cpp src/lib/TCreep.cpp src/lib/TDoodad.cpp src/lib/tinyxml2.cpp src/lib/TTower.cpp src/lib/DataCompiler.cpp
OFILES=$(addprefix obj/DC/Release/,$(notdir $(CFILES:.cpp=.o)))
all: $(OFILES)
$(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o bin/$(TARGET) $^ $(LOPTS)
obj/DC/Release/%.o: src/lib/%.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<