- Go to https://datahighway.herokuapp.com
- Choose faucet:
- Ropsten Testnet ETH
- MXC ERC-20 tokens
- Enter Ethereum Address to receive
- Click Submit
Note: Faucet only works when:
- Requestor's Ropsten ETH balance < 1 MXC
- Requestor's Ropsten MXC ERC-20 token balance < 1 MXC
- Faucet's Ropsten ETH balance > 0.01 ETH
- Faucet's Ropsten MXC ERC-20 token balance > 0.01 MXC
- Requestor's Ethereum address that is not a smart contract, otherwise out of gas error may occur, since only a limited gas price has been catered for.
- Install dependencies and run server and front-end.
nvm use;
yarn global add nodemon;
DEBUG=app yarn dev;
- Go to http://localhost:3000
- Enter your Ethereum address to receive either Ropsten Testnet ETH or MXC ERC-20 tokens
heroku login
heroku apps:create datahighway
git push -f heroku master
Set Heroku Environment Variables to match the contents of the .env file. Replace missing values below:
heroku config:set \
CONTRACT_ADDRESS_MXC_TESTNET=0x7d3037fa9f8f253e4e7fc930f0a299cbd6eac349 \
MNENOMIC_DATAHIGHWAY="bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk//Alice" \
Open the production website
heroku open
heroku ps:scale web=1:free
heroku ps:scale web=2:standard-2x
heroku ps
heroku open
heroku logs --tail
heroku restart
heroku ps:stop web