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The all-in-one hackathon management platform, from registration to communications and voting!

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


In order to run Ninjathon, you must install, the real-time database. For more information, see Installing Horizon.

Note: Project was tested on macOS Sierra, RHEL 7, Fedora 23 and CentOS 7 ✨

Running Development Environment

In order to run the development environment simply install as introduced in the previous chapter and run the following commands.

yarn # will install project dependencies; run once
yarn start-dev # will launch and dev-server

Note: The development server will watch for changes and hot-reload as required ✨

But if you want to statically build the client for development purposes, you can manually run:

yarn build

which will generate the requested /dist folder

Running the tests

In order to run the tests, simply run:

yarn test

Note: We are supporting both unit, functional and integration tests ✨

Tests Structure

Each component is joined with a \*.test.js file which at least passes a smoke test on it's render function and additionally verifies custom functionality it performs(component life-cycle functions)

For example, App.js holds the app root point(surprisingly😏)

├── App.js
└── App.test.js

Thus App.test.js will hold a test suite the App component

import React from 'react'
import App from './App'

describe('App', function() {
    it('smoke test', function() {
      let app = shallow(<App/>)

Tests Configuration

We are using Mocha as our test runner and Chai for assertions as well as Enzyme for shallow rendering, Sinon for mocking and Istanbul for coverage. By running yarn test, all *.test.js files will be ran on a shallow VDOM against the DB and results reported to the command-line.

yarn test v0.27.5
$ concurrently ... --recursive \"src/**/*.test.js\" test\" # test command
[0] App available at
[0] info: RethinkDB Running rethinkdb 2.3.6 (CLANG 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42))...
[0] info: RethinkDB Running on Darwin 16.6.0 x86_64
... # loading rethinkdb / horizon server
[0] debug: Connection to RethinkDB established.
[0] debug: checking rethinkdb version
[0] debug: checking for internal tables
... # building project
[1]  WEBPACK  Compiling...
[1]  WEBPACK  Compiled successfully in 622ms
... # starting tests
[1]  MOCHA  Testing...
[1]   App
[1]     ✓ smoke test
[1]   TestComponent
[1]     ✓ smoke test
[1]   2 passing (11ms)
[1]  MOCHA  Tests completed successfully

Code Structure

The code is structured such that components are loaded from separate folders as designed by SurviveJS.

├── src
│   ├── components - ReactJS presentational components
│   │   └── ReactComponent - component folder
│   │       ├── ReactComponent.js - component source
│   │       ├── ReactComponent.sass - component sass style
│   │       └── ReactComponent.test.js - component tests
│   ├── containers - ReactJS container components (same structure)
│   ├── logic - non-database services logic (e.g mail service)
│   ├── App.js - ReactJS root component
│   ├── App.test.js
│   ├── index.ejs - autogeneration view template
│   └── index.js - entry point
├── ... README and licences
└── ... configuration files

Database Access

We are using server together with the react-horizon Provider to allow binded SocketIO communication with horizon. See react-horizon for more information.


In order to deploy, simply run:

yarn deploy

Built With


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning.


  • Shilo Mangam - Original Maintainer and Initial Work - shilomangam
  • Shaked Lokits - Current Maintainer - shakedlokits
  • Tomer Omri - Original Contributor - tomz
  • Eden Swissa - Original Contributor - edenswi67
  • Dany Shaanan - Contributor - danyshaanan


This project is licensed under the GPL-3 License - see the LICENSE file for details


This project inspired by HUJI Hackathon Registration Platform originally coded by Oded Valtzer


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