This project was worked on by Jahoon Koo, Supraja Kumbergeri, Ray Shash, and Thomas Starnes as part of our capstone project towards our master's degrees at the University of Colorado Boulder. This project was sponsored by NIST. For documentation on how to install and use, please see the WIKI
Since PyVISA is used, you need to have a suitable VISA backend. PyVISA includes a backend that wraps the National Instruments’s VISA library. Download and install the NI-VISA library: NI-VISA
- Run
- Once in the virtual enviroment "venv", run
Starts on localhost (
) and port: 5000
. Threading enabled by default.
Just run:
PostgresSQL database with parsed details from instrument driver.
Requires Docker to be installed on HOST system.
From DB directory, run:
docker-compose up -d
- Host: localhost
- Port: 5432
- Username: postgres
- Password: 1234
- Database name: instrument_db
Default schema: public
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres instrument_db
Server icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon
Play button icons created by Roundicons - Flaticon
Lab icons created by surang - Flaticon
Gear icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Cancel icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Plus icons created by dmitri13 - Flaticon
Create icons created by Arkinasi - Flaticon
Ui icons created by icon wind - Flaticon
Connect icons created by Dreamstale - Flaticon
Disconnected icons created by Alfian Dwi Hartanto - Flaticon