- Automatic RefreshStoredProcedureParameters if database side change StoredProcedure interface.
The latest binaries releases are available in NuGet Packages:
- Id: DataBooster.Oracle.Managed ---- "DataBooster for SQL Server + Oracle (use ODP.NET, Managed Driver)"
- Id: DataBooster.Oracle.ODP ---------- "DataBooster for SQL Server + Oracle (use ODP.NET Provider)"
- Id: DataBooster.Oracle.DataDirect --- "DataBooster for SQL Server + Oracle (use DataDirect Provider)"
- Id: DataBooster.SqlServer ------------ "DataBooster for SQL Server"
All above binaries releases require .NET Framework 4.0 or later.
SQL Server support is always build-in (can't be unplugged).
- The first download (DLL) uses ODP.NET Managed Driver to connect Oracle;
- The second download (DLL) requires ODP.NET 4 (unmanaged driver v4.112.3 or later) to connect Oracle;
- The third download (DLL) also requires DataDirect v3.5 or later to connect Oracle;
- The fourth download (DLL) doesn't support Oracle.
Please download the [url:source code|http://databooster.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest] if the provider need to be replaced by others. For example ODP.NET, add reference Oracle.DataAccess.dll and set conditional compilation symbols "ORACLE;ODP_NET" in DataAccess project properties.
The UtilityScripts folder contains a Oracle function which can generate C# class code for the result set (SYS_REFCURSOR) return from a stored procedure, also includes a sample shown how to use it in PL/SQL Developer.
(This was a derivative library of dbParallel project http://dbparallel.codeplex.com originally, so the namespace starts with "DbParallel.DataAccess")