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Releases: DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa


18 Jul 21:12
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Initial release for Blender 4.2 extensions compatibility.

Bug Fixes

  • NLA Track Strips would not correctly populate when using "Animation Data Override".
  • "Compression Ratio" and "Key Quotas" were not being correctly evaluated on NLA Track Strip sources.


  • Pose markers that begin with ! character will now only export the first frame.
  • Imported PSKs will now have their first UV layer named UVMap instead of VTXW0000.
  • Selected non-mesh objects will now be ignored on PSK export instead of blocking the operator from being invoked.


26 Mar 19:28
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This release is for compatibility with Blender 4.1. It will not work on previous versions.


  • PSK and PSA files can now be imported by drag-and-drop.
  • Import & Export UI options have been organized into panels for easier navigation.


26 Mar 03:26
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where case-insensitive bone mapping would fail on PSA import. (#85)
  • Fixed a bug where importing animations with a frame rate that didn't match the original sequence could be evaluated incorrectly in Blender. This has been fixed by properly re-sampling the imported sequences to the target frame rate instead of simply scaling the keyframe timing. (#70).
  • Fixed a bug where the root bone would be incorrectly oriented if the root bone did not have an identity rotation in the bind pose. (#83)
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to export a PSK of an armature with no bones (it now exports with a single root bone in the identity pose).
  • Fixed a bug where bones whose parents existed in the armature but not the in the PSA would be treated as root bones and transformed incorrectly. (#83)


  • Case-Insensitive bone mapping is now the default option on PSA import.


29 Feb 08:41
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New Features

  • Add PSK Material panel to Material that lets users export PSK material types and flags (used in earlier versions of Unreal Engine like UT99). (#78)


  • Meshes with negative scaling will be exported with normals as they appear in the viewport.
  • The max bone limit has been raised from 256 to 2147483647.
  • Timeline Markers and Pose Markers with empty names are now ignored as PSA export options.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where PSA exports could fail if Override Animation Data was on when exporting Actions (#76)


02 Feb 20:39
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a regression where the handling for malformed PSA files would not be run (#71).
  • Fixed a bug where PSK import would fail if the model had any invalid faces when also importing vertex colors (#72)

PSK Import

  • Added a Scale option to the PSK import operator. (#61)


22 Jan 23:09
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where importing PSAs could fail when loading malformed *.config files emitted from UEViewer.
  • Fixed an issue where PSK vertex color data could be lost on import (vertex color data is now stored per-corner instead of per-vertex).


  • PSKs imported with custom vertex normals will now have Auto Smooth enabled by default (#67).


23 Nov 03:30
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  • Added handling for PSA config files (*.config) emitted from UEViewer. (#56, #59). Note that, for now, only the RemoveTracks entries are being evaluated.
  • Added a progress indicator when exporting PSK files (useful for feedback when exporting a PSK from a large number of objects).


14 Nov 09:44
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  • The minimum Blender version has been incremented to 4.0.
  • All functionality regarding Bone Group filtering has updated to work with Blender's new Bone Collections.

New Features

  • PSA export sequences can now be delineated using an NLA track's strips. This works similarly to using a scene's timeline markers, and is especially useful when using NLA tracks as a basis for creating sequences.
  • The action's desired export FPS can now be edited from the PSA Export panel found in the Action Editor (it is no longer a custom property).
  • A warning is now emitted when exporting a PSK with mesh objects that have negative scaling (since the resultant PSK will have inverted normals).


19 Oct 20:21
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  • Sequences are now selected by default in the PSA Import & Export dialogs (#53, #54)


10 Sep 01:39
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Bug Fixes

  • Added corrective handling for malformed PSA files originating from a bug in CUE4Parse. (#46)
  • Fixed a bug where users were unable to export a PSK from a mesh object with no armature modifier. (#47)