This project focuses on deploying a machine learning application written in flask. The application serves out predictions (inference) about housing prices through API calls.
To run this project you need to have the following installed
- python3.7
- docker
- hadolint
First, setup the virtual environment
make setup
Next, install application dependencies
make install
run the application
Once the application is running, to make predictions, run the following in a different terminal.
Run application in a doker container
Make predicitons. ie run it in a different terminal
Push image to docker repo
./ <docker-username> <docker-password>
Run container in a kubernetes pod
Make prediction
- makefile: contains commands to simplify some of the steps in the project like creating the virtual environmnet, linting etc
- this script buids and runs a docker cobtainer using the built image
- script that pushes the afore created image to a specified docker hub repository
- creates a secret with the docker information and created a pod using the pushed image
- python application reponsible for taking in data and making predictions
- requirements.rxt: dependencies of the machine learning app