An event script I made for Transport Tycoon. Releasing it here because it is a simple script that people may enjoy.
NOTE: Some of the commands should be restricted to staff, including:
/setflag [red/blue]
(Sets the flag position to your current location)
/resetflag [red/blue]
(Sets the flag position to it's original starting position)
/setbase [red/blue]
(Sets the base position to your current location)
(Toggles the ability to see all player's minimap blips)
(Switches to the opposite team with a 5 minute cooldown)
Reference for colors: and
team.Name - Sets what team 1 will display as
team.TextColorPrefix - The color of the team name on UIs
team.ChatColorPrefix - The color of the team name in chat
team.BlipColor - The color of the blip
flagLocations - An array containing all valid base starting locations
maxPoints - The amount of points it takes for a team to win
captureWithFlagGone - Whether the player can get a point for their team without their own flag at their base