10 minutes, Beginner, Start Building
This is an example React To-Do application using a DataStax Astra free tier database.
- Provide a fullstack development example using Astra as the storage backend
Once the Astra credentials are provided, the necessary tables are created in the database. The webservice will be available on port 8080 once the application has been deployed.
JAMstack is a big leap forward in how we can write web applications that are easy to write, deploy, scale, and also maintain. Using this approach means that newly created content is rendered from a content API, while a static render of it is being built into the site for future.
Follow the instructions below to get started.
- git installed on your local system
- github account
- node 15 and npm 7 or later
Let's do some initial setup by creating a serverless(!) database.
- Login/Register Click the button to login or register with Datastax.
Use the following values when creating the database
Field | Value |
database name | netlify |
keypace | todos |
Cloud Provider | Use the one you like, click a cloud provider logo, pick an Area in the list and finally pick a region. |
- Deploy to Netlify
What does the netlify deploy button do?
The Netlify deploy button will:- Create a new repository for you on Github
- Create a site on Netlify
- Link the two together.
- Click on the
inDeploys from GitHub
to get back to your new repository. Scroll to where you were in the README.
- Click the button to launch the GitPod IDE from YOUR repository.
WAIT! Before moving on ensure you are working out of YOUR repository, not the datastaxdevs repository.
If you are still using the datastaxdevs
repo please ensure to follow the previous step, step3 to get to your repo.
Ok, I've got it, just give me the button already
WAIT! Before moving on ensure you are working out of YOUR repository, not the datastaxdevs repository.
- From your GitPod terminal execute the following command
git remote -v
If the result returned from the command displays datastaxdevs
then you are not in the correct repository. If this is the case please repeat step 3 above, otherwise just move on to the next step.
- In the
directory run the following command to install the netlify-cli
npm install -g netlify-cli
Following the Documentation create a token with Database Admnistrator
Go the
Organization Settings
Go to
Token Management
Pick the role
Database Admnistrator
on the select box -
Click Generate token
This is what the token page looks like.
- Click the
Download CSV
button. You are going to need these values here in a moment.
Notice the clipboard icon at the end of each value.
Client ID:
We will not use this during this workshop -
Client Secret:
We will not use this during this workshop -
This is your token! We will use it as a api Key to interact with APIS
This video describes the procedure to generate a token in Astra DB.
- In the repository directory run the following command to set up your Astra DB environment. This will verify the database you created earlier or create a new one for you if it can't find your database.
npm exec astra-setup tiktok_workshop_db tiktok_keyspace
What does astra-setup do?
To setup your ASTRA instance, you want to run `npm exec astra-setup`This will do the following:
* Have you go to your [Astra DB instance](https://datastx.io/workshops) to register or login. There is no credit card required to sign up. The 'Pay as you go' option gives you a huge amount of transactions for free:
* 30 million reads
* 5 million writes
* 40 gigabytes of storage
* Give steps to grab a Database Administrator Token and paste it into the input field
* Ask you what database you want to use (default, existing, create)
* Create or access the database
* Create/update an .env file in the project root
* Create/update an .astrarc file in your home directory
* This can be used by httpie-astra `pip3 install httpie-astra`
* It can also be used by the @astra/collections and @astra/rest node modules
## Specify the database and keyspace
You can run the script and tell it which database/keyspace to use by using:
`npm exec astra-setup databasename keyspacename`
- Run the application
netlify dev
- The application should automatically launch in the GitPod preview pane
Execute each of the commands below to link your code to your Netlify deployment.
- First thing, we'll need to STOP the
netlify dev
command we issued a moment ago. In the terminal where you executed the netlify command issue aCTRL-C
(control key + the C key) in order to stop the process. - Then continue with the following commands
- This will pop up a browser to authenticate with netlify
netlify login
Note, when using GitPod the preview pane will not display this properly. You must click the "open in a new window" button in the very top right of the preview pane.
- This will link your workspace to the associated site
netlify link
- This will take the .env file created by astra-setup and upload it to netlify
netlify env:import .env
Now that you've hooked everything up, time to deploy to production.
- Run
netlify build
- Then run
netlify deploy --prod
- Then finally run
netlify open:site