Collects tools to create semantic layers in the socio-epistemic networks framework. Source material can be any structured corpus with metadata of authors, time, and at least one text column.
Documentation is available on ReadTheDocs.
tl;dr Use pip
pip install semanticlayertools
Consider using a clean virtual environment to keep your main packages separated. Create a new virtual environment and install the package
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install semanticlayertools
To use some sentence embedding utility functions please install with the
pip install semanticlayertools[embeddml]
Tests can be run by installing the dev requirements and running tox
pip install semanticlayertools[dev]
The documentation is build using sphinx. Install with the dev option and run
pip install semanticlayertools[dev]
tox -e docs
The development is part of the research project ModelSEN
Socio-epistemic networks: Modelling Historical Knowledge Processes,
in Department I of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (Grant No. 01 UG2131).