Module 4 for DGL 213 Applied JavaScript.
Please use this repository to develop your module 4 project, beginning with your milestone 0 HTML/CSS mockup. As we progress through milestone 1 and 2 we will continue to add content to the repository, and I will check in to add issues and provide feedback.
I expect that you will treat this repository like any project underdevelopment. You should initial an npm project, and ensure that you have any necessary npm packages installed. Double check your .gitignore
file to make sure you're not excluding something important, or that you aren't including something unnecessary. Comment code only where necessary, and please remove any commented out or unnecessary code before each milestone submission.
Commit/push often! Most of our projects haven't necessitated that you commit and push many times over the course of multiple days, but I also haven't been encouraging you to do so. You should make it a habit to commit every time you complete a task or significant portion of work, and you should push at least once per day (that you've worked on the project). This will ensure that you have a rich commit history so that you can roll back changes, if its ever necessary.