- Gradflow has support for various tools that are needed to train a neural network like: optimizers, datasets handling, activation functions and extensible model modules.
- This gradient computation engine uses the reverse accumulation method of automatic differentiation which involves calculating the gradient from the outermost operation inwards.
- You only need numpy to run the basic setup.
- Stable numpy backend and experimental gpu (pycuda) backend. Similar to pytorch you can now specify a target device for Variables and Modules. It will default to "cpu" if the device is not provided.
Clone the project and just run:
make install
Simply use the build in Module, define your inner layers and implement the forward method.
class ModuleExample(Module):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.linear_1 = self.add_module(Linear(1, 32))
self.linear_2 = self.add_module(Linear(32, 1))
def forward(self, input: Variable) -> Variable:
out = self.linear_1(input=input)
out = relu(out)
out = self.linear_2(input=out)
return out
Generate the dataset features and labels, and create the gradflow Dataset.
X, y = datasets.make_regression(
y = np.power(y, 2)
dataset = Dataset(X, y, batch_size=1)
return dataset
For training you have to iterate over the dataset, perform forward and backward pass, compute the loss and apply the optimizer step.
optimizer = NaiveSGD(model.parameters, lr=config["lr"])
training_loss = []
for epoch in range(epochs):
epoch_loss = .0
for X, y in dataset:
pred_y = model(X)
loss = (pred_y - y) @ (pred_y - y)
epoch_loss += loss.data.item()
epoch_loss /= len(dataset)
print(f"Epoch {epoch} | Loss: {epoch_loss}")
In the examples folder you can find several other samples.
Every module has unit tests, the structure of the tests folder follows the structure of the main gradflow structure.