ESP8266 based doorbell ringing Fritzbox DECT phones via SIP protocol (like Fritzbox)
with MQTT support to integrate into home assistant, io broker or any other smart home solution.
- 1x WeMos D1 ESP-Wroom-02 ESP8266 Wifi Bord with 18650 Battery PWM I2C
- 1x 18650 3.7V 3400mAh Li-Ion Battery
- 4x IN4007 DO-41 rectifier diode 1A 1000V
- 1x 470uF 16v 8x12 electrolytic capacitor
- 1x 320 Ohm resistor
- 1x PC817 Optocoupler
- 1x Breadboard
Basically it's easy: Connect your doorbell (left), convert AC to DC (middle) and reset the ESP8266 when doorbell rings (right).
There's a lot of different hardware solutions, that's just the one that works for me. You can use the samecode and trigger the ESP reset in a bunch of different ways.
Here's my example configuration for home assistant, to react to doorbell with a critical alert to my smartphone:
alias: Doorbell(Stefan)
description: ''
- platform: mqtt
topic: homeassistant/home/doorbell
payload: 'ON'
- condition: state
entity_id: person.stefan
state: home
- service: notify.mobile_app_stefansIphone
message: It's ringing!
title: Doorbell
name: default
critical: 1
volume: 1
mode: single
- Project inspired by Konrad Elektronik
- Working source code based on
- Rectifier inspired by AEQ-WEB
...with caffeine?