Actively Maintained
FreeBookDesigner is now fully based on Jetpack Compose and actively developed for creating and managing books using a modern, feature-rich interface.
FreeBookDesigner is a versatile tool for crafting books with precision and creativity. It employs SML (Simple Markup Language) to define book layouts, properties, and content structure in a highly flexible way.
• Compose-Based Interface: Built with Jetpack Compose for a dynamic and responsive user experience.
• SML Grammar Support: Design layouts and define content using a custom grammar inspired by QML.
• Integration with FreeBookReader: Seamless compatibility with the FreeBookReader app for rendering SML content.
• Rich Media Support: Work with text, images, videos, sounds, and even 3D objects with animations.
• Future-Proof Storage: Support for hosting content on GitHub Pages and IPFS for decentralized and resilient storage.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd FreeBookDesigner
- Open the project in your preferred IDE (recommended: IntelliJ IDEA).
- Build and run the project using Gradle.
./gradlew build
./gradlew run
Building a DMG file is a bit problematic atm. Dont know why ;-)
Also I dont have a Windows or Linux Machine right now.
Maybe you know how and want to contribute...
...your welcome.
FreeBookDesigner uses a custom grammar called SML (Simple Markup Language) for book layouts. Below is an example of the grammar definition:
// Tokens
TOKEN identifier: "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
TOKEN lBrace: "{"
TOKEN rBrace: "}"
TOKEN colon: ":"
TOKEN stringLiteral: "\"[^\"]*\""
TOKEN whitespace: "\\s+"
TOKEN integerLiteral: "\\d+"
TOKEN floatLiteral: "\\d+\\.\\d+"
TOKEN lineComment: "//.*"
TOKEN blockComment: "/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/"
// Grammar Rules
Grammar SmlGrammar {
// Whitespace and comments are ignored
ignored: whitespace | lineComment | blockComment
// Property Value Types
stringValue: stringLiteral -> PropertyValue.StringValue(value)
intValue: integerLiteral -> PropertyValue.IntValue(value.toInt())
floatValue: floatLiteral -> PropertyValue.FloatValue(value.toFloat())
// Define Property Value
propertyValue: floatValue | intValue | stringValue
// Define a Property
property: ignored* identifier ignored* colon ignored* propertyValue -> (id, value)
// Element Content can contain properties or nested elements
elementContent: (property | element)*
// Define an Element
element: ignored* identifier ignored* lBrace elementContent ignored* rBrace
// Root Parser for the entire structure
root: (element+ ignored*) -> elements
The following is a sample written in Simple Markup Language (SML), designed to layout and describe the contents of a page. The SML syntax is straightforward and compact, allowing developers to define UI elements and their properties with ease.
Page {
title: "Home"
padding: "8"
Column {
Markdown {
text: "
# Header
## Subheader
Lorem ipsum **dolor** "
Spacer { amount: 16 }
Image { src: "ship.png" }
Spacer { weight: 1 }
Button { label: "About" link: "page:about" }
Button { label: "3D Content" link: "page:scenes" }
Button { label: "Videos" link: "page:video" }
• Page:
Defines the structure of a single page in the application.
• title: The title of the page.
• padding: Sets the padding around the page’s content.
• Column:
Arranges child elements vertically. Useful for creating stacked layouts.
• Markdown:
Allows the use of Markdown syntax for styled text.
• text: Contains the Markdown content. In this example:
• # Header creates a large heading.
• ## Subheader creates a subheading.
• Lorem ipsum dolor displays normal text, with “dolor” in bold.
• Spacer:
Adds space between elements.
• amount: Specifies the size of the spacer (in pixels).
• weight: Used for flexible spacing, like pushing elements to opposite sides of the screen.
• Image:
Embeds an image into the layout.
• src: The file path or URL to the image resource.
• Button:
Adds a clickable button to the UI.
• label: The text displayed on the button.
• link: The action triggered by the button, such as navigating to another page.
This SML describes a simple Home Page with:
- A title and some text formatted with Markdown.
- An image.
- A few buttons leading to other pages (“About,” “3D Content,” and “Videos”).
- Spacing elements for better layout and visual separation.
This structure highlights how SML can be used to define content-rich, visually appealing layouts in a concise and human-readable way.
- Book Layouts: Define headers, footers, paragraphs, and custom styles.
- Interactive Content: Specify embedded media like images, sounds, or 3D objects.
- Dynamic Styling: Leverage properties to apply reusable styles.
• FreeBookReader:
An open-source Compose Android app that renders SML-based content. It allows seamless viewing of books stored on GitHub Pages or pinned to IPFS.
• Highlights:
• Single, consistent browser for SML content.
• Support for decentralized and open technologies.
• Elimination of traditional browser inconsistencies.
• Future Directions:
We envision SML as a key step in internet technology, enabling cross-platform content rendering without relying on diverse and often conflicting HTML browsers.
Contributions are welcome! Here’s how you can contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
- Submit a pull request with detailed information about your changes.
This project originated as a fork from earlier projects and has since evolved significantly.
- JavaFX-Based Implementation The original version of this project was built with JavaFX and is now deprecated. • For archival purposes, visit: BookDesigner
- Base Project: FreeBookDesigner FreeBookDesigner was initially split from the FreeBookDesigner project. • FreeBookDesigner aims to be a versatile tool for creating mobile apps without requiring any coding knowledge. • It will be maintained and released later as a standalone product. • Learn more: FreeBookDesigner