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Max M edited this page Jul 23, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Essentials wiki!

This wiki documents the API. It does not document the mod features (use the ingame guide book).

For those interested in developing an addon or adding Essentials circuits integration: Normally, when integrating with a mod you'd attach sources in Gradle via Maven. Essentials does not currently have a configured Maven due to lack of demand (and laziness on the part of the mod author); if you would have use for one, reach out to the mod author.

Instead, (until and unless Maven is setup), create your own dev and sources jar of Essentials by cloning the Essentials repo, then using the gradle tasks jarDev and jarSources (defined in build.gradle). If if does not already exist, create a folder in your mod project workspace called libs, and put both the generated essentials-{version}-dev.jar and essentials-{version}-sources.jar in it. These files can be attached to your mod by adding implementation(fg.deobf("com.technomancer.essentials:essentials-$essentials_version:dev")) to your build.gradle dependencies section; from that point on, they will be available for mod development as normal.

When using the Essentials API, only depend on classes in the api package com.Da_Technomancer.essentials.api. These files are intended to be the publicly facing api, and are more stable than other files in the mod. If what you are developing requires classes outside this package, reach out to the mod author to discuss expanding the api.

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