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Arbitrary custom circuits

Max M edited this page Jul 23, 2022 · 2 revisions

The capability used by circuits for connections is stored in The circuit capability handler is

The circuit system is based on the following model:

  • A circuit has a collection of 'sources' and 'dependents'. A source is another circuit whose output signal this circuit cares about. A dependent is another circuit which cares about this circuit's output signal. Each circuit is responsible for notifying all its dependents (using when it changes output signal.
  • Circuits with only outputs or only inputs might not need to handle both sources and dependents; a circuit that outputs needs to handle dependents, while a circuit with inputs needs to handle sources.
  • The model is designed for storing the collection of sources and dependents in the form WeakReference<LazyOptional>; this prevents the circuit system from interfering with chunk unloading, and allows circuits to remove themselves from the network by invalidating the LazyOptional they returned from getCapability calls.
  • Wire circuits (and junctions, etc) don't store sources and dependents- they just act as intermediaries to pass and along. See for an example.
  • Wires can visually 'connect' to any Block that implements

If you want your custom circuit to be placeable by the Circuit Wrench, call at some point during registration.

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