Computer Vision project 2022
- Boldrin Cristian
- Bellan Riccardo
- First model: spec of EfficientDet-3, trained on whole EgoHandsDataset with 4800 images (3829 training, 476 validation, 495 test), 15 epochs and batch size 16
- Second model: transfer learning from yolov5s trained on whole EgoHandsDataset for 100 epochs, batch size 64
- Fine-tuned-model
- Augmented-model
Hand detection algorithm based on Yolov5 model for object detection
- OpenCV >= 4.5.2
- GCC compiler
- K-means
- Grabcut initialized with Rect
- Grabcut initialized with Mask (obtained by difference-from-skin computation)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cd ..
./build/main path-to-image path-to-det-ground-truth.txt path-to-seg-ground-truth-mask.png
Displays and saves the results of the detection and segmentation process.
It also saves a file ./output/det.txt
containing bounding boxes coordinates and a file ./output/bin_mask.png
containing the binary mask of the resulting Hand/NotHand segmentation.