Welcome to the Image Vista Android App repository. We will build an amazing Android application that showcases beautiful images from the Unsplash API. We'll be using a range of powerful libraries and frameworks to build our app.
- Jetpack Compose: To build the User Interface
- Material 3: To Design a beautiful and consistent UI.
- Splash Screen: To create a captivating splash screen for our app.
- Paging 3: To Implement efficient and smooth infinite scrolling.
- Coil: To Load and display images effortlessly.
- Dagger Hilt: To Manage dependency injection for cleaner, modular code.
- Compose Navigation: To Navigate between screens seamlessly.
- Retrofit: To Make network requests and handle API responses.
- Room: To Store and manage local data.
Main Feed Screen | Search Screen | Bookmarks Screen |
Profile (WebView) | Splash Screen | Preview Image |
Zoom Image | Download Image | Dark Mode |
🎥 All videos can be found here YouTube Course Playlist.
Check out my Udemy online course: MeasureMate Android App
Happy learning and building amazing Android apps!