This repo is still in earlier stage of development, but all completed parts already tested with real world applications.
Please look at API.
Welcome to all contributors!
Set your google client. This process has no special thing with this library. Read the details.
Add the credential into appsettings.json file like the below example. (Not obligatory, but ClientId, ClientSecret and RedirectUrl is required for some features to use this library simpler.)
"GoogleClient": {
"client_id": "[CLIENT_ID]",
"project_id": "",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_secret": "[CLIENT_SECRET]",
"redirect_url": "[REDIRECT_URL]"
Add Services into program.cs
For blazor component files
@inject AuthService AuthService
@inject CalendarService CalendarService
OR - For cs files
[Inject] AuthService AuthService { get; set; }
[Inject] CalendarService CalendarService { get; set; }
private void CreateCalendar()
GoogleCalendarListModel googleCalendarListModel = new()
Summary = "Test Calendar",
Description = "Created By CodeBeam",
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul",
private async Task RequestCode()
List<Scope> scopes = new();
scopes.Add(Scope.OAuth2Email); //Not required, but useful for get user email in future.
await AuthService.RequestAuthorizationCode(AuthService.GetClientId(), scopes, NavigationManager.BaseUri + "v1/browser-callback"); //"v1/browser-callback" is your page that method returns and opens the page as a new tab
These codes should be in the callback page.
Blazor Component
@page "/v1/browser-callback"
public string Code { get; set; }
string _accessToken = "";
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
var request = AuthService.AuthorizeCredential(Code, AuthService.GetCliendId(), AuthService.GetClientSecret(), NavigationManager.BaseUri + "v1/browser-callback");
// This method is built in this package. You also can write your own method to process request result.
_accessToken = AuthService.GetValueFromCredential(request, CredentialValueType.AccessToken);
Step 3. You can store this access token (can also obtain refresh token etc. with same way) in your database or make a cookie. You can use this token to call calendar, drive etc. features.
Make an instance of GoogleCalendarEventModel and add it. Notice that for datetimes like event start and end, need to use GetProperDateTimeFormat method.
[Inject] CalendarService CalendarService { get; set; }
private void AddEvent()
GoogleCalendarEventModel googleCalendarEvent = new()
Summary = "Test Event",
Description = "Some Description",
Start = new Start { dateTime = CalendarService.GetProperDateTimeFormat(DateTime.Now) },
End = new End { dateTime = CalendarService.GetProperDateTimeFormat(DateTime.Now) },
// If you don't know the id of calendar which will the event be added, use FindCalendarId method. In this case, the event added the calendar which has "Test Calendar" title.
string result = CalendarService.AddEvent(googleCalendarEvent, CalendarService.FindCalendarId(CalendarValueType.Summary, "Test Calendar"));
When you call the api to return a list of items (like calendars or events) it returns a root class. These classes can be find in the library. You can use the "items" property to reach list of items.
- GoogleCalendarListRoot -> The root calendar model which is a proper for
method result - GoogleCalendarListModel -> The calendar model. GoogleCalendarListRoot.items has a
- GoogleCalendarEventRoot -> The root event model which is a proper for
method result - GoogleCalendarEventModel -> The event model. GoogleCalendarEventRoot.items has a
GoogleCalendarListRoot calendars = CalendarService.GetCalendars(); // calendars.items has the list of calendars.