Run the project and navigate to http://localhost:3000/graphiql. You should see everything you need on the right after clicking into query
npm run build - build the library files (Required for start:watch)
npm run build:watch - build the library files in watchmode (Useful for development)
npm start - Start the server
npm run start:watch - Start the server in watchmode (Useful for development)
npm test - run tests once
npm run test:watch - run tests in watchmode (Useful for development)
npm run test:growl - run tests in watchmode with growl notification (even more useful for development)
npm run upver - runs standard-version to update the server version.
npm install
npm start
- src - Server source written in typescript
- main.ts - Main server file. (Starting Apollo server)
- schema - Module used to build schema
- index.ts - Merged all parts into a schema using graphql-tools
- queries - Directory for the api's queries
- types - Directory for the api's types
- package.json - File is used to describe the library
- tsconfig.json - Configuration file for the library compilation
- webpack.config.js - Webpack configuration file to automate build
Special thanks to Hagai Cohen and the work he put into his project webpack-graphql-server. Saved me alot of time!