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Merge pull request #258 from CliMA/ck/fix_warnings
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Fix some warnings
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charleskawczynski authored Feb 29, 2024
2 parents e160d77 + fd56e83 commit 31f0bc9
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Showing 3 changed files with 65 additions and 70 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/utilities/convergence_condition.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,8 +92,10 @@ updated_cache((; rate, order)::MinimumRateOfConvergence, cache, val, err, iter)
Checks multiple `ConvergenceCondition`s, combining their results with either
`all` or `any`.
struct MultipleConditions{CC <: Union{typeof(all), typeof(any)}, C <: Tuple{Vararg{<:ConvergenceCondition}}} <:
struct MultipleConditions{
CC <: Union{typeof(all), typeof(any)},
C <: Tuple{Vararg{T} where {T <: ConvergenceCondition}},
} <: ConvergenceCondition
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion test/integrator_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ data structure has an instance of any types in `t`.
function any_reltype(found, obj, name, ets, pc = (); warn = true)
for pn in propertynames(obj)
prop = getproperty(obj, pn)
prop = if obj isa Base.Pairs
getproperty(obj, pn)
pc_full = (pc..., ".", pn)
pc_string = name * string(join(pc_full))
for et in ets
Expand Down
123 changes: 56 additions & 67 deletions test/problems.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
using DiffEqBase, ClimaTimeSteppers, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays
using ClimaCore
using ClimaComms
import ClimaCore.Domains as Domains
import ClimaCore.Geometry as Geometry
import ClimaCore.Meshes as Meshes
import ClimaCore.Topologies as Topologies
import ClimaCore.Spaces as Spaces
import ClimaCore.Fields as Fields
import ClimaCore.Operators as Operators

import Krylov
Krylov.ktypeof(x::Fields.FieldVector) = ClimaComms.array_type(x){eltype(parent(x)), 1}
import ClimaCore: Domains, Geometry, Meshes, Topologies, Spaces, Fields, Operators, Limiters

Single variable linear ODE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,6 +440,7 @@ Wfact!(W, Y, p, dtγ, t) = nothing
2D diffusion test problem. See [`2D diffusion problem`](@ref) for more details.
function climacore_2Dheat_test_cts(::Type{FT}) where {FT}
context = ClimaComms.context()
dss_tendency = true

n_elem_x = 2
Expand All @@ -465,7 +457,7 @@ function climacore_2Dheat_test_cts(::Type{FT}) where {FT}
Domains.IntervalDomain(Geometry.YPoint(FT(0)), Geometry.YPoint(FT(1)), periodic = true),
mesh = Meshes.RectilinearMesh(domain, n_elem_x, n_elem_y)
topology = Topologies.Topology2D(mesh)
topology = Topologies.Topology2D(context, mesh)
quadrature = Spaces.Quadratures.GLL{n_poly + 1}()
space = Spaces.SpectralElementSpace2D(topology, quadrature)
(; x, y) = Fields.coordinate_field(space)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,6 +556,7 @@ end
# Implemented in flux form, with an optional limiter and hyperdiffusion.
# TODO: Use this as an integration test.
function deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_hyperdiffusion = true) where {FT}
context = ClimaComms.context()
# Table III
# Note: the paper uses "a" in place of "R"
R = FT(6371220) # radius of Earth [m]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -593,30 +586,28 @@ function deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_hyperdiffus
# hyperviscosity coefficient [m^4] (specified in the limiter paper)
D₄ = FT(6.6e14)

centers = ClimaCore.Geometry.LatLongZPoint.(rad2deg(φ_c), rad2deg.((λ_c1, λ_c2)), FT(0))
centers = Geometry.LatLongZPoint.(rad2deg(φ_c), rad2deg.((λ_c1, λ_c2)), FT(0))

# custom discretization (paper's discretization results in a very slow test)
vert_nelems = 10
horz_nelems = 4
horz_npoly = 3

vert_domain = ClimaCore.Domains.IntervalDomain(
boundary_names = (:bottom, :top),
vert_mesh = ClimaCore.Meshes.IntervalMesh(vert_domain, nelems = vert_nelems)
vert_cent_space = ClimaCore.Spaces.CenterFiniteDifferenceSpace(vert_mesh)
vert_domain =
Domains.IntervalDomain(Geometry.ZPoint(FT(0)), Geometry.ZPoint(z_top); boundary_names = (:bottom, :top))
vert_mesh = Meshes.IntervalMesh(vert_domain, nelems = vert_nelems)
z_topology = Topologies.IntervalTopology(context, vert_mesh)
vert_cent_space = Spaces.CenterFiniteDifferenceSpace(z_topology)

horz_domain = ClimaCore.Domains.SphereDomain(R)
horz_mesh = ClimaCore.Meshes.EquiangularCubedSphere(horz_domain, horz_nelems)
horz_topology = ClimaCore.Topologies.Topology2D(horz_mesh)
horz_quad = ClimaCore.Spaces.Quadratures.GLL{horz_npoly + 1}()
horz_space = ClimaCore.Spaces.SpectralElementSpace2D(horz_topology, horz_quad)
horz_domain = Domains.SphereDomain(R)
horz_mesh = Meshes.EquiangularCubedSphere(horz_domain, horz_nelems)
horz_topology = Topologies.Topology2D(context, horz_mesh)
horz_quad = Spaces.Quadratures.GLL{horz_npoly + 1}()
horz_space = Spaces.SpectralElementSpace2D(horz_topology, horz_quad)

cent_space = ClimaCore.Spaces.ExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(horz_space, vert_cent_space)
cent_coords = ClimaCore.Fields.coordinate_field(cent_space)
face_space = ClimaCore.Spaces.FaceExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(cent_space)
cent_space = Spaces.ExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(horz_space, vert_cent_space)
cent_coords = Fields.coordinate_field(cent_space)
face_space = Spaces.FaceExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(cent_space)

# initial density (Equation 8)
cent_ρ = @. p_0 / (R_d * T_0) * exp(-cent_coords.z / H)
Expand All @@ -627,7 +618,7 @@ function deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_hyperdiffus
φ = deg2rad(

ds = map(centers) do center
r = ClimaCore.Geometry.great_circle_distance(coord, center, horz_space.global_geometry)
r = Geometry.great_circle_distance(coord, center, horz_space.global_geometry)
return min(1, (r / R_t)^2 + ((z - z_c) / Z_t)^2)
in_slot = z > z_c && φ_c - FT(0.125) < φ < φ_c + FT(0.125)
Expand All @@ -640,11 +631,11 @@ function deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_hyperdiffus
return (; q1, q2, q3, q4, q5)

init_state = ClimaCore.Fields.FieldVector(; cent_ρ, cent_ρq = cent_ρ .* cent_q)
init_state = Fields.FieldVector(; cent_ρ, cent_ρq = cent_ρ .* cent_q)

# current wind vector (Equations 15--26)
current_cent_wind_vector = ClimaCore.Fields.Field(ClimaCore.Geometry.UVWVector{FT}, cent_space)
current_face_wind_vector = ClimaCore.Fields.Field(ClimaCore.Geometry.UVWVector{FT}, face_space)
current_cent_wind_vector = Fields.Field(Geometry.UVWVector{FT}, cent_space)
current_face_wind_vector = Fields.Field(Geometry.UVWVector{FT}, face_space)
function wind_vector(coord, ρ, t)
z = coord.z
φ = deg2rad(
Expand All @@ -667,45 +658,42 @@ function deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_hyperdiffus
ω = ω_0 * sin(λ′) * cos(φ) * cos(2 * FT(π) * t / τ) * s
w = -ω / (g * ρ)

return ClimaCore.Geometry.UVWVector(u, v, w)
return Geometry.UVWVector(u, v, w)

horz_div = ClimaCore.Operators.Divergence()
horz_wdiv = ClimaCore.Operators.WeakDivergence()
horz_grad = ClimaCore.Operators.Gradient()
horz_div = Operators.Divergence()
horz_wdiv = Operators.WeakDivergence()
horz_grad = Operators.Gradient()
cent_χ = similar(cent_q)
function T_lim!(tendency, state, _, t)
@. current_cent_wind_vector = wind_vector(cent_coords, state.cent_ρ, t)
@. tendency.cent_ρ = -horz_div(state.cent_ρ * current_cent_wind_vector)
@. tendency.cent_ρq = -horz_div(state.cent_ρq * current_cent_wind_vector)
use_hyperdiffusion || return nothing
@. cent_χ = horz_wdiv(horz_grad(state.cent_ρq / state.cent_ρ))
@. tendency.cent_ρq += -D₄ * horz_wdiv(state.cent_ρ * horz_grad(cent_χ))
return nothing

limiter = ClimaCore.Limiters.QuasiMonotoneLimiter(cent_q; rtol = FT(0))
limiter = Limiters.QuasiMonotoneLimiter(cent_q; rtol = FT(0))
function lim!(state, _, t, ref_state)
use_limiter || return nothing
ClimaCore.Limiters.compute_bounds!(limiter, ref_state.cent_ρq, ref_state.cent_ρ)
ClimaCore.Limiters.apply_limiter!(state.cent_ρq, state.cent_ρ, limiter)
Limiters.compute_bounds!(limiter, ref_state.cent_ρq, ref_state.cent_ρ)
Limiters.apply_limiter!(state.cent_ρq, state.cent_ρ, limiter)
return nothing

vert_div = ClimaCore.Operators.DivergenceF2C()
vert_interp = ClimaCore.Operators.InterpolateC2F(
top = ClimaCore.Operators.Extrapolate(),
bottom = ClimaCore.Operators.Extrapolate(),
vert_div = Operators.DivergenceF2C()
vert_interp = Operators.InterpolateC2F(top = Operators.Extrapolate(), bottom = Operators.Extrapolate())
function T_exp!(tendency, state, _, t)
@. current_face_wind_vector = wind_vector(face_coords, vert_interp(state.cent_ρ), t)
@. tendency.cent_ρ = -vert_div(vert_interp(state.cent_ρ) * current_face_wind_vector)
@. tendency.cent_ρq = -vert_div(vert_interp(state.cent_ρq) * current_face_wind_vector)

function dss!(state, _, t)

function analytic_sol(t)
Expand All @@ -731,6 +719,7 @@ end
# (
# Implemented in flux form, with an optional limiter and hyperdiffusion.
function horizontal_deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_hyperdiffusion = true) where {FT}
context = ClimaComms.context()
# constants (using the same notation as deformational_flow_test)
R = FT(6371220) # radius of Earth [m]
τ = 60 * 60 * 24 * FT(12) # period of motion (12 days) [s]
Expand All @@ -740,18 +729,18 @@ function horizontal_deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_
R_t = R / 2 # horizontal half-width of tracers [m]
D₄ = FT(6.6e14) # hyperviscosity coefficient [m^4] (specified in the limiter paper)

centers = ClimaCore.Geometry.LatLongPoint.(rad2deg(φ_c), rad2deg.((λ_c1, λ_c2)))
centers = Geometry.LatLongPoint.(rad2deg(φ_c), rad2deg.((λ_c1, λ_c2)))

# 1.5° resolution on the equator: 360° / (4 * nelems * npoly) = 1.5°
nelems = 20
npoly = 3

domain = ClimaCore.Domains.SphereDomain(R)
mesh = ClimaCore.Meshes.EquiangularCubedSphere(domain, nelems)
topology = ClimaCore.Topologies.Topology2D(mesh)
quad = ClimaCore.Spaces.Quadratures.GLL{npoly + 1}()
space = ClimaCore.Spaces.SpectralElementSpace2D(topology, quad)
coords = ClimaCore.Fields.coordinate_field(space)
domain = Domains.SphereDomain(R)
mesh = Meshes.EquiangularCubedSphere(domain, nelems)
topology = Topologies.Topology2D(context, mesh)
quad = Spaces.Quadratures.GLL{npoly + 1}()
space = Spaces.SpectralElementSpace2D(topology, quad)
coords = Fields.coordinate_field(space)

# initial conditions (Section 2.2)
ρ = ones(space)
Expand All @@ -760,15 +749,15 @@ function horizontal_deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_
λ = deg2rad(coord.long)

hs = map(centers) do center
center′ = ClimaCore.Geometry.CartesianPoint(center, space.global_geometry)
coord′ = ClimaCore.Geometry.CartesianPoint(coord, space.global_geometry)
center′ = Geometry.CartesianPoint(center, space.global_geometry)
coord′ = Geometry.CartesianPoint(coord, space.global_geometry)
dist_squared = (coord′.x1 - center′.x1)^2 + (coord′.x2 - center′.x2)^2 + (coord′.x3 - center′.x3)^2
# Note: the paper doesn't divide by R^2, which only works if R = 1
return FT(0.95) * exp(-5 * dist_squared / R^2)
gaussian_hills = hs[1] + hs[2]
rs = map(centers) do center
return ClimaCore.Geometry.great_circle_distance(coord, center, space.global_geometry)
return Geometry.great_circle_distance(coord, center, space.global_geometry)
cosine_bells = if rs[1] < R_t
FT(0.1) + FT(0.9) * (1 + cos(FT(π) * rs[1] / R_t)) / 2
Expand All @@ -791,10 +780,10 @@ function horizontal_deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_

return (; gaussian_hills, cosine_bells, slotted_cylinders)
init_state = ClimaCore.Fields.FieldVector(; ρ, ρq = ρ .* q)
init_state = Fields.FieldVector(; ρ, ρq = ρ .* q)

# current wind vector (Section 2.3)
current_wind_vector = ClimaCore.Fields.Field(ClimaCore.Geometry.UVVector{FT}, space)
current_wind_vector = Fields.Field(Geometry.UVVector{FT}, space)
function wind_vector(coord, t)
φ = deg2rad(
λ = deg2rad(coord.long)
Expand All @@ -805,35 +794,35 @@ function horizontal_deformational_flow_test(::Type{FT}; use_limiter = true, use_
u = k * sin(λ′)^2 * sin(2 * φ) * cos(FT(π) * t / τ) + 2 * FT(π) * R / τ * cos(φ)
v = k * sin(2 * λ′) * cos(φ) * cos(FT(π) * t / τ)

return ClimaCore.Geometry.UVVector(u, v)
return Geometry.UVVector(u, v)

div = ClimaCore.Operators.Divergence()
wdiv = ClimaCore.Operators.WeakDivergence()
grad = ClimaCore.Operators.Gradient()
div = Operators.Divergence()
wdiv = Operators.WeakDivergence()
grad = Operators.Gradient()
χ = similar(q)
function T_lim!(tendency, state, _, t)
@. current_wind_vector = wind_vector(coords, t)
@. tendency.ρ = -div(state.ρ * current_wind_vector)
@. tendency.ρq = -div(state.ρq * current_wind_vector)
use_hyperdiffusion || return nothing
@. χ = wdiv(grad(state.ρq / state.ρ))
@. tendency.ρq += -D₄ * wdiv(state.ρ * grad(χ))
return nothing

limiter = ClimaCore.Limiters.QuasiMonotoneLimiter(q; rtol = FT(0))
limiter = Limiters.QuasiMonotoneLimiter(q; rtol = FT(0))
function lim!(state, _, t, ref_state)
use_limiter || return nothing
ClimaCore.Limiters.compute_bounds!(limiter, ref_state.ρq, ref_state.ρ)
ClimaCore.Limiters.apply_limiter!(state.ρq, state.ρ, limiter)
Limiters.compute_bounds!(limiter, ref_state.ρq, ref_state.ρ)
Limiters.apply_limiter!(state.ρq, state.ρ, limiter)
return nothing

function dss!(state, _, t)

function analytic_sol(t)
Expand Down

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