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Implement prototype ice ocean model
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glwagner committed Oct 5, 2023
1 parent c760cf7 commit 6891c57
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Showing 3 changed files with 593 additions and 0 deletions.
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions examples/melting_baroclinicity.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Architectures: arch_array
using Oceananigans.Fields: ZeroField, ConstantField
using Oceananigans.TurbulenceClosures: CATKEVerticalDiffusivity
using Oceananigans.Units
using Oceananigans.Utils: prettysummary

using SeawaterPolynomials: TEOS10EquationOfState, thermal_expansion, haline_contraction

using ClimaSeaIce
using ClimaSeaIce: melting_temperature
using ClimaSeaIce.ThermalBoundaryConditions: RadiativeEmission, IceWaterThermalEquilibrium

using Printf
using GLMakie
using Statistics


arch = GPU()
Nx = Ny = 256
Nz = 10
Lz = 400
x = y = (-50kilometers, 50kilometers)
halo = (4, 4, 4)
topology = (Periodic, Bounded, Bounded)

ice_grid = RectilinearGrid(arch; x, y,
size = (Nx, Ny),
topology = (topology[1], topology[2], Flat),
halo = halo[1:2])

ocean_grid = RectilinearGrid(arch; topology, halo, x, y,
size = (Nx, Ny, Nz),
z = (-Lz, 0))

# Top boundary conditions:
# - outgoing radiative fluxes emitted from surface
# - incoming shortwave radiation starting after 40 days

ice_ocean_heat_flux = Field{Center, Center, Nothing}(ice_grid)
top_ocean_heat_flux = Qᵀ = Field{Center, Center, Nothing}(ice_grid)
top_salt_flux == Field{Center, Center, Nothing}(ice_grid)
# top_salt_flux = Qˢ = arch_array(arch, zeros(Nx, Ny))

# Generate a zero-dimensional grid for a single column slab model

boundary_conditions = (T = FieldBoundaryConditions(top=FluxBoundaryCondition(Qᵀ)),
S = FieldBoundaryConditions(top=FluxBoundaryCondition(Qˢ)))

equation_of_state = TEOS10EquationOfState()
buoyancy = SeawaterBuoyancy(; equation_of_state)
horizontal_biharmonic_diffusivity = HorizontalScalarBiharmonicDiffusivity=5e6)

ocean_model = HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel(; buoyancy, boundary_conditions,
grid = ocean_grid,
momentum_advection = WENO(),
tracer_advection = WENO(),
#closure = (horizontal_biharmonic_diffusivity, CATKEVerticalDiffusivity()),
closure = CATKEVerticalDiffusivity(),
coriolis = FPlane(f=1.4e-4),
tracers = (:T, :S, :e))

Nz = size(ocean_grid, 3)
So = ocean_model.tracers.S
ocean_surface_salinity = view(So, :, :, Nz)
bottom_bc = IceWaterThermalEquilibrium(ConstantField(30)) #ocean_surface_salinity)

u, v, w = ocean_model.velocities
ocean_surface_velocities = (u = view(u, :, :, Nz), #interior(u, :, :, Nz),
v = view(v, :, :, Nz), #interior(v, :, :, Nz),
w = ZeroField())

ice_model = SlabSeaIceModel(ice_grid;
velocities = ocean_surface_velocities,
advection = nothing, #WENO(),
ice_consolidation_thickness = 0.05,
ice_salinity = 4,
internal_thermal_flux = ConductiveFlux(conductivity=2),
#top_thermal_flux = ConstantField(-100), # W m⁻²
top_thermal_flux = ConstantField(0), # W m⁻²
top_thermal_boundary_condition = PrescribedTemperature(0),
bottom_thermal_boundary_condition = bottom_bc,
bottom_thermal_flux = ice_ocean_heat_flux)

ocean_simulation = Simulation(ocean_model; Δt=20minutes, verbose=false)
ice_simulation = Simulation(ice_model, Δt=20minutes, verbose=false)

# Initial condition
S₀ = 30
T₀ = melting_temperature(ice_model.phase_transitions.liquidus, S₀) + 2.0

N²S = 1e-6
β = haline_contraction(T₀, S₀, 0, equation_of_state)
g = ocean_model.buoyancy.model.gravitational_acceleration
dSdz = - g * β * N²S

uᵢ(x, y, z) = 0.0
Tᵢ(x, y, z) = T₀ # + 0.1 * randn()
Sᵢ(x, y, z) = S₀ + dSdz * z #+ 0.1 * randn()

function hᵢ(x, y)
if sqrt(x^2 + y^2) < 20kilometers
#return 1 + 0.1 * rand()
return 2
return 0

set!(ocean_model, u=uᵢ, S=Sᵢ, T=T₀)
set!(ice_model, h=hᵢ)

coupled_model = IceOceanModel(ice_simulation, ocean_simulation)
coupled_simulation = Simulation(coupled_model, Δt=1minutes, stop_time=20days)

S = ocean_model.tracers.S
by = - g * β * ∂y(S)

function progress(sim)
h =
S = sim.model.ocean.model.tracers.S
T = sim.model.ocean.model.tracers.T
u = sim.model.ocean.model.velocities.u
msg1 = @sprintf("Iter: % 6d, time: % 12s", iteration(sim), prettytime(sim))
msg2 = @sprintf(", max(h): %.2f", maximum(h))
msg3 = @sprintf(", min(S): %.2f", minimum(S))
msg4 = @sprintf(", extrema(T): (%.2f, %.2f)", minimum(T), maximum(T))
msg5 = @sprintf(", max|∂y b|: %.2e", maximum(abs, by))
msg6 = @sprintf(", max|u|: %.2e", maximum(abs, u))
@info msg1 * msg2 * msg3 * msg4 * msg5 * msg6
return nothing

coupled_simulation.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(progress, IterationInterval(10))

h = ice_model.ice_thickness
T = ocean_model.tracers.T
S = ocean_model.tracers.S
u, v, w = ocean_model.velocities
η = ocean_model.free_surface.η

ht = []
Tt = []
Ft = []
Qt = []
St = []
ut = []
vt = []
ηt = []
ζt = []
tt = []

ζ = Field(∂x(v) - ∂y(u))

function saveoutput(sim)
hn = Array(interior(h, :, :, 1))
Fn = Array(interior(Qˢ, :, :, 1))
Qn = Array(interior(Qᵀ, :, :, 1))
Tn = Array(interior(T, :, :, Nz))
Sn = Array(interior(S, :, :, Nz))
un = Array(interior(u, :, :, Nz))
vn = Array(interior(v, :, :, Nz))
ηn = Array(interior(η, :, :, 1))
ζn = Array(interior(ζ, :, :, Nz))
push!(ht, hn)
push!(Ft, Fn)
push!(Qt, Qn)
push!(Tt, Tn)
push!(St, Sn)
push!(ut, un)
push!(vt, vn)
push!(ηt, ηn)
push!(ζt, ζn)
push!(tt, time(sim))

coupled_simulation.callbacks[:output] = Callback(saveoutput, IterationInterval(10))


##### Viz


x = xnodes(ocean_grid, Center())
y = ynodes(ocean_grid, Center())

fig = Figure(resolution=(2400, 700))

axh = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="x (km)", ylabel="y (km)", title="Ice thickness")
axT = Axis(fig[1, 2], xlabel="x (km)", ylabel="y (km)", title="Ocean surface temperature")
axS = Axis(fig[1, 3], xlabel="x (km)", ylabel="y (km)", title="Ocean surface salinity")
axZ = Axis(fig[1, 4], xlabel="x (km)", ylabel="y (km)", title="Ocean vorticity")

Nt = length(tt)
slider = Slider(fig[2, 1:4], range=1:Nt, startvalue=Nt)
n = slider.value

title = @lift string("Melt-driven baroclinic instability after ", prettytime(tt[$n]))
Label(fig[0, 1:3], title)

hn = @lift ht[$n]
Fn = @lift Ft[$n]
Tn = @lift Tt[$n]
Sn = @lift St[$n]
un = @lift ut[$n]
vn = @lift vt[$n]
ηn = @lift ηt[$n]
ζn = @lift ζt[$n]
Un = @lift mean(ut[$n], dims=1)[:]

x = x ./ 1e3
y = y ./ 1e3

Stop = view(S, :, :, Nz)
Smax = maximum(Stop)
Smin = minimum(Stop)

ζtop = view(ζ, :, :, Nz)
ζmax = maximum(abs, ζtop)
ζlim = 2e-4 #ζmax / 2

heatmap!(axh, x, y, hn, colorrange=(0, 1), colormap=:grays)
heatmap!(axT, x, y, Tn, colormap=:thermal)
heatmap!(axS, x, y, Sn, colorrange = (29, 30), colormap=:haline)
heatmap!(axZ, x, y, ζn, colorrange=(-ζlim, ζlim), colormap=:redblue)

#heatmap!(axZ, x, y, Tn, colormap=:thermal)
#heatmap!(axF, x, y, Fn)


record(fig, "salty_baroclinic_ice_cube.mp4", 1:Nt, framerate=48) do nn
@info string(nn)
n[] = nn

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ClimaOcean.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,5 +105,6 @@ include("DataWrangling.jl")

end # module

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