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[WIP] Experiment updates and more flexible cross-validation for Paper…
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… revisions (#321)

* make ishigami example work

* font sizing

* fontsize

* GFunction plotting

* improve plot-style for figs

* as above

* better plotting functions for paper

* NEW LOSS: no train-test-split

* new emulates for the new loss

* add no-data-split variant

* add proper cross validation groups

* added cross-validation versions

* changing rank test

* n-feature test for G-function

* better test < np features

* pairplots avoiding thei bug in >2.9, additional experiment configurations

* add compat

* running rank test for separable kernel

* indent and plot

* add rank test for UQ-EDMF

* add separable in

* message for 0 crossval

* crossval 0 message

* add GP hlines in diff-rank-test

* changing test set of emulator to find rank

* slower opt config

* add case label in filename

* rm extra files, and formatted

* better default

* tests update with new defaults

* updated defaults to fit latest ensemble conventions, tests pass

* more robust test range

* feature sensitivity?

* works offline

* more data?

* new docs manifest

* rm manifest - try

* update manifest with dev

* added v1.11.1 docs manifest

* Nesterov default

* without CV?
  • Loading branch information
odunbar authored Nov 9, 2024
1 parent adced6c commit 6464f2a
Show file tree
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Showing 21 changed files with 2,176 additions and 610 deletions.
432 changes: 347 additions & 85 deletions docs/Manifest.toml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions examples/EDMF_data/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ JLD2 = "033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
NCDatasets = "85f8d34a-cbdd-5861-8df4-14fed0d494ab"
PairPlots = "43a3c2be-4208-490b-832a-a21dcd55d7da"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
StatsPlots = "f3b207a7-027a-5e70-b257-86293d7955fd"

PairPlots = "=2.8.0"
315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions examples/EDMF_data/emulator-rank-test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
#includef(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "ci", "linkfig.jl"))

# Import modules
using Distributions # probability distributions and associated functions
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using JLD2
using NCDatasets
using StatsBase
using Dates

using CalibrateEmulateSample.Emulators
using CalibrateEmulateSample.ParameterDistributions
using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataContainers
using CalibrateEmulateSample.EnsembleKalmanProcesses
using CalibrateEmulateSample.EnsembleKalmanProcesses.Localizers
using CalibrateEmulateSample.Utilities

rng_seed = 42424242

function main()

# 2-parameter calibration exp
#exp_name = "ent-det-calibration"

# 5-parameter calibration exp
exp_name = "ent-det-tked-tkee-stab-calibration"

cases = [
"GP", # diagonalize, train scalar GP, assume diag inputs
"RF-vector-svd-sep", #Bad kernel for comparison
rank_cases = [
[0], # not used
[10], # some rank > 0
1:10, #
1:5, # input rank always 5, output rank 1:5

case_id = 2
case = cases[case_id]
rank_test = rank_cases[case_id]
n_repeats = 1
n_iteration = 10

# Output figure save directory
figure_save_directory = joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", exp_name, string(
data_save_directory = joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", exp_name, string(
if !isdir(figure_save_directory)
if !isdir(data_save_directory)
println("experiment running in: ", @__DIR__)
println("data saved in: ", figure_save_directory)
println("figures saved in: ", data_save_directory)

# Pipeline: #

# [1. ] Obtain scenario information (here all loaded from file)
# [a.] Obtain truth sample(s),
# [b.] Obtain observation and model-error noise
# [2. ] Obtain calibration information (here using saved input-output data, from EKI experiements)
# [a.] Obtain calibration priors
# [b.] Obtain calibration data
# [3. ] Build Emulator from calibration data
# [4. ] Run Emulator-based MCMC to obtain joint parameter distribution

# [1. & 2. ] Obtain scenario and calibration data #

exp_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, exp_name)
if !isdir(exp_dir)
"experiment data directory \"" *
exp_dir *
"/\" not found. Please unzip the compressed file \"" *
exp_name *
".zip\" and retry.",

data_filepath = joinpath(exp_dir, "")
if !isfile(data_filepath)
LoadError("experiment data file \"\" not found in directory \"" * exp_dir * "/\"")
@info "loading data from NC dataset"
data_set = NCDataset(data_filepath)
y_truth = Array(["reference"]["y_full"]) #ndata
truth_cov = Array(["reference"]["Gamma_full"]) #ndata x ndata
# Option (i) get data from NCDataset else get from jld2 files.
output_mat = Array(["particle_diags"]["g_full"]) #nens x ndata x nit
input_mat = Array(["particle_diags"]["u"]) #nens x nparam x nit
input_constrained_mat = Array(["particle_diags"]["phi"]) #nens x nparam x nit

# to be consistent, we wish to go from nens x nparam x nit arrays to nparam x (nit x nens)
inputs =
reshape(permutedims(input_mat, (2, 3, 1)), (size(input_mat, 2), size(input_mat, 3) * size(input_mat, 1)))
inputs_constrained = reshape(
permutedims(input_constrained_mat, (2, 3, 1)),
(size(input_constrained_mat, 2), size(input_constrained_mat, 3) * size(input_constrained_mat, 1)),

# to be consistent, we wish to go from nens x ndata x nit arrays to ndata x (nit x nens)
outputs = reshape(
permutedims(output_mat, (2, 3, 1)),
(size(output_mat, 2), size(output_mat, 3) * size(output_mat, 1)),

#EDMF data often contains rows/columns that are NC uses filled values - these must be removed
println("preprocessing data...")
isnan_inf_or_filled(x) = isnan(x) || isinf(x) || x NCDatasets.fillvalue(typeof(x))
good_values = .!isnan_inf_or_filled.(outputs)
good_particles = collect(1:size(outputs, 2))[all(.!isnan_inf_or_filled.(outputs), dims = 1)[:]] # get good columns

inputs = inputs[:, good_particles]
inputs_constrained = inputs_constrained[:, good_particles]
outputs = outputs[:, good_particles]

good_datadim = collect(1:size(outputs, 1))[all(.!isnan_inf_or_filled.(outputs), dims = 2)[:]] # get good rows
outputs = outputs[good_datadim, :]
y_truth = y_truth[good_datadim]
truth_cov = truth_cov[good_datadim, good_datadim]

# split out a training set:
n_test = Int(floor(0.2 * length(good_particles)))
n_train = Int(ceil(0.8 * length(good_particles)))

rng_seed = 14225
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(rng_seed)

# random train-set
# train_idx = shuffle(rng, collect(1:n_test+n_train))[1:n_train]
# final train earlier iteration, test final iteration
train_idx = collect(1:(n_test + n_train))[1:n_train]
test_idx = setdiff(collect(1:(n_test + n_train)), train_idx)

train_inputs = inputs[:, train_idx]
train_outputs = outputs[:, train_idx]

test_inputs = inputs[:, test_idx]
test_outputs = outputs[:, test_idx]

train_pairs = DataContainers.PairedDataContainer(train_inputs, train_outputs)

@info "Completed data loading stage"
println(" ")
# [3. ] Build Emulator from calibration data #

opt_diagnostics = zeros(length(rank_test), n_repeats, n_iteration)
train_err = zeros(length(rank_test), n_repeats)
test_err = zeros(length(rank_test), n_repeats)
ttt = zeros(length(rank_test), n_repeats)

@info "Begin Emulation stage"
# Create GP object
train_frac = 0.9
n_cross_val_sets = 2
max_feature_size = size(get_outputs(train_pairs), 2) * size(get_outputs(train_pairs), 1) * (1 - train_frac)
for (rank_id, rank_val) in enumerate(rank_test) #test over different ranks for svd-nonsep
rng_seed = 99330
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(rng_seed)
for rep_idx in 1:n_repeats
@info "Test rank: $(rank_val) from $(collect(rank_test))"
@info "Repeat: $(rep_idx)"

overrides = Dict(
"verbose" => true,
"train_fraction" => train_frac,
"scheduler" => DataMisfitController(terminate_at = 1000),
"cov_sample_multiplier" => 0.2,
"n_iteration" => n_iteration,
"n_features_opt" => Int(floor((max_feature_size / 5))),# here: /5 with rank <= 3 works
"localization" => SEC(0.05),
"n_ensemble" => 400,
"n_cross_val_sets" => n_cross_val_sets,
if case == "RF-prior"
overrides = Dict("verbose" => true, "cov_sample_multiplier" => 0.01, "n_iteration" => 0)
nugget = 1e-6 # 1e-6
input_dim = size(get_inputs(train_pairs), 1)
output_dim = size(get_outputs(train_pairs), 1)
decorrelate = true

if case == "GP"
rank_val = 0
gppackage = Emulators.SKLJL()
pred_type = Emulators.YType()
mlt = GaussianProcess(
kernel = nothing, # use default squared exponential kernel
prediction_type = pred_type,
noise_learn = false,
elseif case ["RF-vector-svd-sep"]
kernel_structure = SeparableKernel(LowRankFactor(5, nugget), LowRankFactor(rank_val, nugget))
n_features = 500

mlt = VectorRandomFeatureInterface(
rng = rng,
kernel_structure = kernel_structure,
optimizer_options = overrides,

elseif case ["RF-vector-svd-nonsep", "RF-prior"]
kernel_structure = NonseparableKernel(LowRankFactor(rank_val, nugget))
n_features = 500

mlt = VectorRandomFeatureInterface(
rng = rng,
kernel_structure = kernel_structure,
optimizer_options = overrides,
elseif case ["RF-vector-nosvd-nonsep"]
kernel_structure = NonseparableKernel(LowRankFactor(rank_val, nugget))
n_features = 500

mlt = VectorRandomFeatureInterface(
rng = rng,
kernel_structure = kernel_structure,
optimizer_options = overrides,
decorrelate = false

# Fit an emulator to the data
normalized = true

ttt[rank_id, rep_idx] = @elapsed begin
emulator = Emulator(
obs_noise_cov = truth_cov,
normalize_inputs = normalized,
decorrelate = decorrelate,

# Optimize the GP hyperparameters for better fit

# error of emulator on the training points: (no denoised training data)
train_err_tmp = [0.0]
for i in 1:size(train_inputs, 2)
train_mean, _ = Emulators.predict(emulator, train_inputs[:, i:i], transform_to_real = true) # 3x1
train_err_tmp[1] += norm(train_mean - train_outputs[:, i])
train_err[rank_id, rep_idx] = 1 / size(train_inputs, 2) * train_err_tmp[1]

# error of emulator on test points:
test_err_tmp = [0.0]
for i in 1:size(test_inputs, 2)
test_mean, _ = Emulators.predict(emulator, test_inputs[:, i:i], transform_to_real = true) # 3x1
test_err_tmp[1] += norm(test_mean - test_outputs[:, i])
test_err[rank_id, rep_idx] = 1 / size(test_inputs, 2) * test_err_tmp[1]

@info "train error ($(size(train_inputs,2)) pts): $(train_err[rank_id,rep_idx])"
@info "test error ($(size(test_inputs, 2)) pts): $(test_err[rank_id,rep_idx])"
if !(case ["GP", "RF-prior"])
opt_diagnostics[rank_id, rep_idx, :] = get_optimizer(mlt)[1] #length-1 vec of vec -> vec
eki_conv_filepath = joinpath(data_save_directory, "$(case)_$(rank_val)_eki-conv.jld2")
save(eki_conv_filepath, "opt_diagnostics", opt_diagnostics)

# emulator_filepath = joinpath(data_save_directory, "$(case)_$(rank_val)_emulator.jld2")
# save(emulator_filepath, "emulator", emulator)
joinpath(data_save_directory, case * "_edmf_rank_test_results.jld2"),

@info "Finished Emulation stage"


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