Download the HackerPet_Setup.Zip https://github.com/CleverPet/HackerPet_Setup/releases
Extract the zip to any location you have full write permissions on your PC Make note of that location.
Download and install Particle CLI - Link and instructions below https://docs.particle.io/getting-started/developer-tools/cli/
Download and install Python 3 - Link below. Also make sure to check the box for [X] "add python.exe to PATH" ( check box at the bottom of first screen of installer ) https://www.python.org/downloads/
For windows open the cmd prompt Navigate to where you extracted the folder Run the HackerPet_Setup.bat
or for mac or linux run python HackerPet_Setup.py
Any issues, email [email protected]
-- To Do --
Flash the latest HackerPet firmware from the web in the command line
- detect type of Particle board, photon, p1, photon 2, etc...
Allow setting up the photon without a particle account.
- update Device OS
- configure wifi
- flash the HackerPet firmware