Open Riverboat Map plans to make an open source CartoCSS map style of navigable waterways, on top of OpenStreetMap project.
Open Riverboat Map is derived from OSM-bright MapBox project.
- at low zoom level, all the navigable waterways network should appear clearly ; all other informations are diminished, unless some main geographical informations that helps understand the situation (mainly big cities)
- at intermediate zoom level, the navigable waterways remain the central informations, but also some other usefull informations must be visible: main harbours, locks (quietly)... Non "riverboat" informations begin to become visible, but allways in second place
- at high zoom level, we try to display as useful informations as possible for the "inland navigator": mooring places, height of bridges, number of arches for a bridge, oneways...
symlink the openriverboatmap directory into your TileMill projects directory (by default in ~/Documents/MapBox/project/).
import some OSM data with osm2pgsql , using default style but with option --hstore-all (or ping me to get a psql dump)
indexes to create:
CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_line_motorboat_waterway ON planet_osm_line USING btree(waterway,(tags->'motorboat'),(tags->'CEMT')) WHERE waterway IS NOT NULL AND (tags ? 'motorboat' or tags ? 'CEMT'); CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_polygon_leisure ON planet_osm_polygon USING btree(leisure) WHERE leisure IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_polygon_waterway ON planet_osm_polygon USING btree(waterway,way_area) WHERE waterway IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_polygon_natural ON planet_osm_polygon USING btree("natural",way_area) WHERE "natural" IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_polygon_area_100000 ON planet_osm_polygon USING btree(way_area) WHERE way_area > 100000; CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_polygon_area_10000 ON planet_osm_polygon USING btree(way_area) WHERE way_area > 10000; CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_line_man_made ON planet_osm_line USING btree(man_made) WHERE man_made IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_polygon_man_made ON planet_osm_polygon USING btree(man_made) WHERE man_made IS NOT NULL;
for customizing local database connection, you can use CartoCC
start hacking the style, commit in a branch, and make a pull request! :)