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graphql-http / handler / HandlerOptions

Interface: HandlerOptions<RequestRaw, RequestContext, Context>


Type parameters

Name Type
RequestRaw unknown
RequestContext unknown
Context extends OperationContext = undefined

Table of contents




Optional context: Context | (req: Request<RequestRaw, RequestContext>, params: RequestParams) => Response | Context | Promise<Response | Context>

A value which is provided to every resolver and holds important contextual information like the currently logged in user, or access to a database.


Optional execute: (args: ExecutionArgs) => PromiseOrValue<ExecutionResult>

Type declaration

▸ (args): PromiseOrValue<ExecutionResult>

Implements the "Executing requests" section of the GraphQL specification.

Returns either a synchronous ExecutionResult (if all encountered resolvers are synchronous), or a Promise of an ExecutionResult that will eventually be resolved and never rejected.

If the arguments to this function do not result in a legal execution context, a GraphQLError will be thrown immediately explaining the invalid input.

Name Type
args ExecutionArgs



Optional getOperationAST: (documentAST: DocumentNode, operationName?: Maybe<string>) => Maybe<OperationDefinitionNode>

Type declaration

▸ (documentAST, operationName?): Maybe<OperationDefinitionNode>

Returns an operation AST given a document AST and optionally an operation name. If a name is not provided, an operation is only returned if only one is provided in the document.

Name Type
documentAST DocumentNode
operationName? Maybe<string>



Optional onOperation: (req: Request<RequestRaw, RequestContext>, args: OperationArgs<Context>, result: ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>>) => void | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | Promise<void | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response>

Type declaration

▸ (req, args, result): void | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | Promise<void | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response>

Executed after the operation call resolves.

The OperationResult argument is the result of operation execution. It can be an iterator or already a value.

Use this callback to listen for GraphQL operations and execution result manipulation.

If you want to respond to the client with a custom status and/or body, you should do by returning a Request argument which will stop further execution.

Name Type
req Request<RequestRaw, RequestContext>
args OperationArgs<Context>
result ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>>

void | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | Promise<void | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response>


Optional onSubscribe: (req: Request<RequestRaw, RequestContext>, params: RequestParams) => void | readonly GraphQLError[] | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | OperationArgs<Context> | Promise<void | readonly GraphQLError[] | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | OperationArgs<Context>>

Type declaration

▸ (req, params): void | readonly GraphQLError[] | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | OperationArgs<Context> | Promise<void | readonly GraphQLError[] | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | OperationArgs<Context>>

The subscribe callback executed right after processing the request before proceeding with the GraphQL operation execution.

If you return ExecutionResult from the callback, it will be used directly for responding to the request. Useful for implementing a response cache.

If you return ExecutionArgs from the callback, it will be used instead of trying to build one internally. In this case, you are responsible for providing a ready set of arguments which will be directly plugged in the operation execution.

You must validate the ExecutionArgs yourself if returning them.

If you return an array of GraphQLError from the callback, they will be reported to the client while complying with the spec.

Omitting the fields contextValue from the returned ExecutionArgs will use the provided context option, if available.

Useful for preparing the execution arguments following a custom logic. A typical use-case is persisted queries. You can identify the query from the request parameters and supply the appropriate GraphQL operation execution arguments.

If you want to respond to the client with a custom status and/or body, you should do by returning a Request argument which will stop further execution.

Name Type
req Request<RequestRaw, RequestContext>
params RequestParams

void | readonly GraphQLError[] | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | OperationArgs<Context> | Promise<void | readonly GraphQLError[] | ExecutionResult<ObjMap<unknown>, ObjMap<unknown>> | Response | OperationArgs<Context>>


Optional parse: (source: string | Source, options?: ParseOptions) => DocumentNode

Type declaration

▸ (source, options?): DocumentNode

Given a GraphQL source, parses it into a Document. Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.

Name Type
source string | Source
options? ParseOptions



Optional schema: GraphQLSchema | (req: Request<RequestRaw, RequestContext>, args: Omit<OperationArgs<Context>, "schema">) => Response | GraphQLSchema | Promise<Response | GraphQLSchema>

The GraphQL schema on which the operations will be executed and validated against.

If a function is provided, it will be called on every operation request allowing you to manipulate schema dynamically.

If the schema is left undefined, you're trusted to provide one in the returned ExecutionArgs from the onSubscribe callback.

If you want to respond to the client with a custom status and/or body, you should do by returning a Request argument which will stop further execution.


Optional validate: (schema: GraphQLSchema, documentAST: DocumentNode, rules?: readonly ValidationRule[], options?: {}, typeInfo?: TypeInfo) => ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>

Type declaration

▸ (schema, documentAST, rules?, options?, typeInfo?): ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>

Implements the "Validation" section of the spec.

Validation runs synchronously, returning an array of encountered errors, or an empty array if no errors were encountered and the document is valid.

A list of specific validation rules may be provided. If not provided, the default list of rules defined by the GraphQL specification will be used.

Each validation rules is a function which returns a visitor (see the language/visitor API). Visitor methods are expected to return GraphQLErrors, or Arrays of GraphQLErrors when invalid.

Validate will stop validation after a maxErrors limit has been reached. Attackers can send pathologically invalid queries to induce a DoS attack, so by default maxErrors set to 100 errors.

Optionally a custom TypeInfo instance may be provided. If not provided, one will be created from the provided schema.

Name Type Description
schema GraphQLSchema -
documentAST DocumentNode -
rules? readonly ValidationRule[] -
options? Object -
typeInfo? TypeInfo Deprecated will be removed in 17.0.0
