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CrystDB is a thread-safe and convenient Object Relational Mapping database that based on SQLite. It's lightweight and high-efficiency. When dealing with simple data object, it has processing speed especially in the aspect of the operation of query and storage. It's a fabulous alternative to Realm and Core Data.
- Lightweight: Less source files, easily and conveniently to use
- Noninvasive: No need to inherit other base class or use other auxiliary class
- Supported Type: Support almost all of the types of Objective-C and C
- Safe Mapping: Check every object types and can be safe in conversion between the SQLite and Objective-C
- High Performance: Fast storage speed, and the stroage speed of the simple object is 2-4 times fast than Realm, as well as the query speed is also fast than Realm
The time cost of disposing 2000 times GithubUser objects (iPhone 6s).
// 1. create an default database:
CrystManager *db = [CrystManager defaultCrystDB];
// 2. create an database with the name of `Person`:
CrystManager *db = [[CrystManager alloc] initWithName:@"Person"];
// Person Model
@interface Person : NSObject <CrystDB>
@property (nonatomic,assign) UInt64 uid;
@property (nonatomic,copy) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger age;
@implementation Person
// 0. Create an Person object:
Person *p = [[Person alloc] init];
p.uid = 8082;
p.name = @"Ares";
p.age = 27;
// 1. Add an object,if there have been the object,then update the object:
BOOL result = [db addOrUpdateObject:p];
// 2. Add an object, if there have benn the object, then return with no processing:
BOOL result = [db addOrIgnoreObject:p];
// 3. If the object is already in the database and the object also have implemented the method of `CrystDBPrimaryKey`, then you can update the object directly(otherwise it's recommended to use `addOrUpdateObject:` method instead):
BOOL result = [db updateObject:p];
// 4. Use Transaction:
[db inTransaction:^(BOOL * _Nonnull rollback) {
BOOL result = [db addOrUpdateObject:p];
if (result == NO) {
*rollback = YES;
// 1. Query objects with the Class of this object:
NSArray *persons = [db queryWithClass:[Person class] condition:nil];
// 2. Query objects with conditions:
NSArray *persons = [db queryWithClass:[Person class] condition:@"age > 25 or name == 'Ares' "];
// 3. Query objects with format conditions:
NSArray *persons = [db queryWithClass:[Person class] conditions:@"age > %d or name == '%@' ",25,@"Ares"];
// 4. Query with sql sentence syntax:
NSArray *persons = [db queryWithClass:[Person class] where:@"age > 8082" orderBy:@"uid desc" limit:@"1,10"];
// 1. Delete objects with conditions:
BOOL result = [db deleteClass:[Person class] where:@"name = 'Ares' "];
// 2. Delete all the object related to the class:
BOOL result = [db dropClass:[Person class]];
// 3. Delete all the objects in this database:
BOOL result = [db dropAll];
// 4. Delete the object which implement the method of `CrystDBPrimaryKey` and the object has the vlaue of primary key, otherwise it will fail:
BOOL result = [db deleteObject:p];
// 1. Specify the primary key
+ (NSString *)CrystDBPrimaryKey{
return @"uid";
// 2. Appoint the default database of this object
+ (NSString *)CrystDBName{
return @"child.db";
// 3. Set the property whitelist of this object
+ (NSArray<NSString *> *)CrystDBWhitelistProperties{
return @[@"uid",@"name",@"age"];
// 4. Set the property blacklist of this object
+ (NSArray<NSString *> *)CrystDBBlacklistProperties{
return @[@"age"];
// 5. If the object has parent class which have properties involved
+ (BOOL)CrystDBObjectIsHasSuperClass{
return YES;
// 6. If there are objects nested in this object, it needs to implement the Coding method, or it's strongly recommended to use `CSModel` to implement the following method:
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder{
[self cs_encode:aCoder];
- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder{
return [self cs_decoder:aDecoder];
// 1. Add an object,if there have been the object,then update the object:
BOOL result = [p cs_addOrUpdateToDB];
// 2. Add an object with no processing if there have benn the object:
BOOL result = [p cs_addOrIgnoreToDB];
// 3. Query objects with conditions:
Person *p = [Person cs_queryObjectsWithCondition:@"age > 25"];
// 4. Query the object by primary key which must implement the `CrystDBPrimaryKey` method:
Person *p = [Person cs_queryObjectOnPrimary:@"8082"];
// 5. Query the number of all the objects:
NSInteger count = [Person cs_queryObjectCount];
// 6. Query the create time of an object:
NSInteger createTime = [p cs_queryObjectCreateTime];
// 7. Query the update time of an object:
NSInteger updateTime = [p cs_queryObjectUpdateTime];
// 8. Delete objects with the conditions:
[Person cs_deleteFromDBWithCondition:@"name = 'Ares' "];
// 9. Delete all the objects in the database:
BOOL result = [p cs_deleteFromDB];
// 10. Execute the transaction in a block
[Person cs_inTransaction:^(CrystDB *db, BOOL *rollback) {
BOOL result = [db addOrUpdateObject:p];
if (result == NO) {
*rollback = YES;
- Specify the
pod 'CrystDB'
in your Podfile - Then run the
pod install
orpod update
- Import the header file <CrystDB/CrystDB.h>
- Download the
- Import the CrystDB.h and the relevent source files
CrystDB is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.