This repository contains all code and data used in the book chapter:
Vandyck, Caroline, et al. ‘Making Characters Count. A Computational Approach to Scribal Profiling in 14th-Century Middle Dutch Manuscripts from the Carthusian Monastery of Herne Monastery’. Approaches to Digital Codicology: Interdisciplinarity and Intersections, edited by Alberto Campagnolo and Elena Pierazzo, Brepols, 2024, p. XX-XX.
Refer to this code with the following DOI:
The data originates from the following repisotry on Zenodo:
Haverals, W., & Kestemont, M. (2023). The Middle Dutch Manuscripts Surviving from the Carthusian Monastery of Herne (14th century) (Camready; rc0-0, with pagexml, code, spreadsheets) [Data set]. Computational Humanities Research Conference (CHR), Paris. Zenodo.