Cite the article as
Vandyck, Caroline, and Kestemont, Mike. ‘Een auteur van formaat. Een attributie-onderzoek naar het oeuvre van de Limborch-dichter’. Spiegel Der Letteren, 2, 2024.
Cite the code as
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10797682
The Middle Dutch Roman van Heinric en Margriete van Limborch was highly popular with the medieval audience. Although the work didn’t lose sight of existing traditions, it was innovative and written by a skillful and experienced author, who probably wrote other works as well. In the past, scholars have tried to link the Limborch to other texts and thus establish a oeuvre, although the research into the matter has stalled in recent decades. We attempt to reopen the authorial issue, using quantitative means. Using methods from the field of computational authorship verification, we will establish that the author of the Limborch can at least be identified with the Lorreinen II-poet. In addition, we argue that this individual also authored the Brabantine Rose and (shortened) Cassamus, as previous research had already suggested. Finally, we add two more works to this oeuvre, which have never before been linked to the Limborch: the Borchgravinne van Vergi and Roman van Caesar.
This repository contains all code and data necessary to reproduce the analysis described in the article. The data originates from the Cd-Rom Middelnederlands (1998) which is now known and available under the name Corpus Middle Dutch (2021). The scatterplot that is created in the notebook called 'authorship' can be found in the map called 'data'. With each iteration of the code, the plot will differ slightly.
INT. Cd-Rom Middelnederlands. 1.0, Dutch Language Institute, 1998,
INT. Corpus Middelnederlands. Dutch Language Institute, 2021,