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Releases: CarbsLinux/cpt

1.19.1: kiss: bump version

23 Sep 12:56
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1.19.1 - 2020-05-07


  • Added e|extension to kiss which can be used to output kiss-extensions.


  • kiss no longer outputs the extensions when called with kiss help. The
    output was too large for an average terminal, and a user had to scroll up
    for actual package manager options. These can now be retrieved with kiss e.
  • When called from a subshell, kiss disables colour escape sequences. This
    behaviour can be overridden by setting KISS_COLOUR environment variable.
    If set to 1, it will be enabled globally, if set to 0 it will be disabled

1.19.0: changelog: update

23 Sep 12:57
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1.19.0 - 2020-05-06


  • Added kiss-reporevdepends for finding all the packages on the repository
    that depends on the specified package.


  • Removed the -p flag from tar while installing packages. busybox ignores it
    and we don't need it.
  • Replaced tar flags with keys for historical compatibility.
  • kiss now decompresses a tarball once and uses the decompressed tarball for
    listing and extraction.


  • Fixed the output of doc-strings in contrib scripts.
  • kiss now ignores the binary programs in the repository for
    kiss extensions.

1.18.0: update

23 Sep 12:57
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1.18.0 - 2020-05-04


  • Added editorconfig file since we now have 4 languages (roff, Makefile, sh, C)
    in the repository.
  • Added kiss-readlink as a readlink -f replacement.
  • Added kiss-message for checking package messages.
  • Added this CHANGELOG


  • Made tar calls portable. kiss is no longer limited to busybox, bsdtar, or
    gnu tar!


  • Dropped the usage of readlink in kiss.


03 May 16:35
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A new version for KISS is now available! Changes include:

  • We now use kiss-stat for getting owner of a file. It is a simple C program which outputs the username for the given file/directory. That's it. This solves a portability issue for other implementations such as BSD stat and ubase stat.
  • Nitpicks, fixes, and portability changes.


02 May 21:31
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A new patch version for KISS is now available. This is a fix release. Changes include:

  • fix not using the preferred tar on decompression.
  • handle hash checking on BSD systems. The sha256sum now fallbacks to sha256, and if that isn't also available (which would be an extreme rare case) it fallbacks to openssl.
  • fix pkg_conflicts errors when there are no installed packages.
  • fix pkg_conflicts hang when there is only a single package in the system, and you reinstall that package.
  • KISS_ROOT fix
  • updated manual page for kiss-contrib.1


01 May 20:46
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This is a bug-fix release for Korn Shell for interrupt signals with C-c


01 May 20:40
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A new version for KISS is available. I haven't made a release message since 1.14.1, so this will recap all the changes.

Changes and additions

  • Reverted to rsync for installation method.
  • Added kiss-which, a tool like which but for KISS packages.
  • Added kiss-changelog, which can be used to review the git log of a package in a oneline.
  • Made sed calls POSIX.
  • kiss now accepts uncompressed tarballs for installation.
  • kiss now uses a message queue system. Read more about it below


  • Made a compatibility fix for ksh colour output.
  • Made a compatibility fix on Makefile.
  • Fixed an installation issue where kiss would look for KISS_ROOT inside the package contents for the manifest instead of the default database location.

Message Queue

kiss will now read message files in the repositories for showing plaintext messages to the user. Those messages will be outputted after the installation of all packages. This means that messages that used to be in a post-install script will not be lost if there is another package to build/install/update.

Those messages will be shown with cat. So the message files should be plaintext.


26 Apr 22:17
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A new patch version for KISS is available. This is a bug-fix release.


25 Apr 09:08
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A new version of KISS is now available. Changes include:

  • Drop the dependency of rsync.
  • Added support for user scripts.
  • Added manifest checking on installation.
  • Various bug fixes.


18 Apr 22:09
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A new version of KISS has been released! Changes include:

  • Added kiss singlesearch. This can be used in scrpts to get only the first match of a package.
    It can be shortly used as kiss ss
  • Various bug fixes