CUBRID CCI is the latest stable version which conforms to CUBRID 11.3 release.
Change logs:
6373e4b [APIS-949] extend CCI max connections up to 4,096 per process (#58)
626f3f9 [APIS-968] change schema info type (#72, #81)
5d9f8b7 [APIS-977] CCI receives the oracle_compat_number_behavior system parameter and removes trailing zeros of double and float types. (#73, #76, #79, #80)
d1ab94f [APIS-981] Add DBMS type provided by DBLink to DBMS type in broker info. (#82)
Bug Fixes
87499b2 [APIS-945] Fix the core dump error related with CCI Connection Pool (#57)
d22ad76 [APIS-955] fix CLOSET_SOCKET macro (#65)
7ddaf06 [APIS-956] fix to pickup a connection with same ssl property in the connection pool (#67, #68)
5494d58 [CBRD-24453] Check the CCI driver file related to engine build. (#52)