remember where we've been
Built with Django.
Traveler is a community where fellow travelers can see and discuss where they have been, in common or not. Styled via Sass and Materialize CSS, Traveler is as much a visual experience as it is an interpersonal one. Built in Django, navigation through Traveler is simple and secure, and our PostgreSQL databasing ensures that your data will persist. Never lose a memory again, with Traveler.
Traveler is built in Django, styled by Sass and Materialize, and deployed in a Heroku environment.
UploadCare is the package handling images throughout the site.
Traveler is a collaboration by Christopher Zalapa, Simone Poe, Jia Cooper, and Elias Baez.
Why is lamp?
Users will be able to navigate beautifully color-paletted pages.
They will be able to visit pages built to discuss individual cities, and those cities will have places where individuals may post about the city.
On those posts, other individuals may themselves comment.
An individual's activity on Traveler will be recorded on their Profile page, as well as additional information about themselves.