Motor8, a powerful 3D graphics engine for game development, is meticulously crafted with C++ and utilizes OpenGL. Developed by the students of the Degree in Videogame Design and Development at the Universitat Politecnica de Cataluna (UPC), Bugame Engine boasts an impressive array of features and a stack of essential librraies and tools.
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Standard Template Library
SDL 2.0.4
OpenGL 2.0
Glew 2.2.0
ImGui 1.89
PhysFS 2.0
MathGeoLib 1.5
Parson 1.2.1
Developer's Image Library 1.7.8
Open Asset Import Library 3.1.1
Installing Motor8 Engine is a breeze.
- Head to the releases tab --> open the assets section --> click on the first file --> and let the download commence!
- Compile the executable found in the download folder, the engine is ready for your use!!!
- Help: Find information about the license, developers, tools, and libraries. Download the latest version, visit the Motor8 Engine wiki, or report a bug.
- Configuration: Save and load existing configurations for your Engine Window and Render Options preferences.
- Window: Configure window options, including fullscreen, resizable, vsync, and screen dimensions.
- Hardware: Display FPS and computer hardware information.
- Render Options: Toggle various render options such as WireFrame Mode, GL_Depth_test, GL_Cull_face, GL_Lightning, GL_Color_material, GL_Front, GL_AmbientOclussion.
Models and textures can be easily dropped from a directory directly into the engine. Each mesh in the model creates a new game object, and the texture is applied accordingly.
- W: Move Forward
- S: Move Backwards
- A: Move Left
- D: Move Right
- R: Move Upward
- F: Move Downward
- Mouse Right Click: Change Camera Rotation
Daniel Berrio:
- Github Account: Onnda
Salvador Bernades:
- Github Account: SalvaBernades
Justo Tiscornia:
- Github Account: Jusstox