Releases: CITM-UPC/EclipseEngine
Releases · CITM-UPC/EclipseEngine
A 3D game engine made from scratch by 4 university students for the Game Engines subject.
The Team
This team is composed by:
- Marc San José:
- Miguel Tamaño:
- Oscar Escofet:
- Marc Gallardo:
New Features
- Street Enviroment Scene is automatically loaded when starting the engine
- Transformation and Game Object Hierarchy
- The user can use the inspector to modify a game object; drop any mesh or texture...
- Improved Resource Management
- Assets window that shows all assets.
- The user can drop/import new files and the assets panel.
- Asset files can be renamed and deleted through the panel.
Key Functionalities
File Handling:
- Supports drag-and-drop of FBX files from any location on the hard drive.
- Accepts DDS/PNG files for texture application to selected GameObjects.
GameObject Structure:
- Each loaded mesh creates a GameObject with three display-only components: Transform, Mesh, and Texture.
Camera Controls:
- Right-click + WASDQE: FPS-like movement and free look.
- Mouse Wheel: Zoom in and out.
- Mouse Wheel click: Pan camera.
- Alt + Left Click: Orbit the object.
- Holding SHIFT: Increases movement speed.
Editor Windows:
- Console:
- Logs the geometry loading process from ASSIMP and external library initialization.
- Configuration:
- Graph for FPS display.
- Adjustable settings for window.
- Hierarchy:
- Lists all GameObjects; allows selection of GameObjects.
- Inspector:
- Displays component details of the selected GameObject:
- Transform: Position, rotation, and scale (read-only).
- Texture: Shows texture.
- Displays component details of the selected GameObject:
- Console:
General Menu:
- Options to quit the engine, visit the GitHub page, and view engine information (“About”).
- Ability to turn panels on/off.
How to Use the Engine
- Drag and drop FBX files from asset panel and DDS/PNG textures into the viewport panel.
- Use the camera controls for navigating the scene only inside viewport panel.
- Access Editor Windows for GameObject management and detailed information.
- Edit and transform the FBX files using the move, rotate or scale options.
- Import FBX file into custom file format to the "Library/" folder.
Key Functionalities
GameObject Structure:
- Each loaded mesh creates a GameObject with three display-only components: Transform, Mesh, and Texture.
Camera Controls:
- Right-click + WASDQE: FPS-like movement and free look.
- Mouse Wheel: Zoom in and out.
- Alt + Left Click: Orbit the object.
- Holding SHIFT: Increases movement speed.
Editor Windows:
- Console:
- Logs the geometry loading process from ASSIMP and external library initialization.
- Logs some UI events.
- Configuration:
- Graph for FPS display.
- Adjustable settings for renderer, window, input, and textures.
- Displays memory consumption, hardware detection, and software version information (SDL, OpenGL, DevIL).
- Hierarchy:
- Lists all GameObjects.
- Inspector:
- Displays component details of the selected GameObject:
- Transform: Position, rotation, and scale (read-only).
- Mesh: Mesh details with an option to show normals (per-triangle and per-face).
- Texture: Shows texture size and path, with an option for a checkered texture view.
- Displays component details of the selected GameObject:
- Console:
General Menu:
- Options to quit the engine, visit the GitHub page, and view engine information (“About”).
- Ability to turn features on/off.
-Other features:
- UI Panels are movable (can also be outside viewport) and dockable.