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Releases: CITM-UPC/EclipseEngine


12 Dec 22:25
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A 3D game engine made from scratch by 4 university students for the Game Engines subject.

The Team

This team is composed by:

New Features

  • Street Enviroment Scene is automatically loaded when starting the engine
  • Transformation and Game Object Hierarchy
    • The user can use the inspector to modify a game object; drop any mesh or texture...
  • Improved Resource Management
    • Assets window that shows all assets.
    • The user can drop/import new files and the assets panel.
    • Asset files can be renamed and deleted through the panel.

Key Functionalities

  • File Handling:

    • Supports drag-and-drop of FBX files from any location on the hard drive.
    • Accepts DDS/PNG files for texture application to selected GameObjects.
  • GameObject Structure:

    • Each loaded mesh creates a GameObject with three display-only components: Transform, Mesh, and Texture.
  • Camera Controls:

    • Right-click + WASDQE: FPS-like movement and free look.
    • Mouse Wheel: Zoom in and out.
    • Mouse Wheel click: Pan camera.
    • Alt + Left Click: Orbit the object.
    • Holding SHIFT: Increases movement speed.
  • Editor Windows:

    • Console:
      • Logs the geometry loading process from ASSIMP and external library initialization.
    • Configuration:
      • Graph for FPS display.
      • Adjustable settings for window.
    • Hierarchy:
      • Lists all GameObjects; allows selection of GameObjects.
    • Inspector:
      • Displays component details of the selected GameObject:
        • Transform: Position, rotation, and scale (read-only).
        • Texture: Shows texture.
  • General Menu:

    • Options to quit the engine, visit the GitHub page, and view engine information (“About”).
    • Ability to turn panels on/off.

How to Use the Engine

  1. Drag and drop FBX files from asset panel and DDS/PNG textures into the viewport panel.
  2. Use the camera controls for navigating the scene only inside viewport panel.
  3. Access Editor Windows for GameObject management and detailed information.
  4. Edit and transform the FBX files using the move, rotate or scale options.
  5. Import FBX file into custom file format to the "Library/" folder.


31 Oct 22:58
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Key Functionalities

  • GameObject Structure:

    • Each loaded mesh creates a GameObject with three display-only components: Transform, Mesh, and Texture.
  • Camera Controls:

    • Right-click + WASDQE: FPS-like movement and free look.
    • Mouse Wheel: Zoom in and out.
    • Alt + Left Click: Orbit the object.
    • Holding SHIFT: Increases movement speed.
  • Editor Windows:

    • Console:
      • Logs the geometry loading process from ASSIMP and external library initialization.
      • Logs some UI events.
    • Configuration:
      • Graph for FPS display.
      • Adjustable settings for renderer, window, input, and textures.
      • Displays memory consumption, hardware detection, and software version information (SDL, OpenGL, DevIL).
    • Hierarchy:
      • Lists all GameObjects.
    • Inspector:
      • Displays component details of the selected GameObject:
        • Transform: Position, rotation, and scale (read-only).
        • Mesh: Mesh details with an option to show normals (per-triangle and per-face).
        • Texture: Shows texture size and path, with an option for a checkered texture view.
  • General Menu:

    • Options to quit the engine, visit the GitHub page, and view engine information (“About”).
    • Ability to turn features on/off.

-Other features:

  • UI Panels are movable (can also be outside viewport) and dockable.