Releases: CICM/HoaLibrary
HoaLibrary v2.0.1 for Max
HoaLibrary version 2.0.1 for Max
- Small update for Max 6.1.8 compatibility, mac only (windows is coming soon).
HoaLibrary v2.1 for Pure Data
Hoa library as a suite of objects and patchs for Pure Data.
This version is compatible with Pure Data and Pure Data Extented.
Copy the "HoaLibrary" folder in your Pure Data "package" folder and add "hoa.library" in startup preferences.
You can also copy the "HoaLibrary" folder in another folder than the default package folder, then you have to add this folder in the path preferences and add "HoaLibrary/hoa.library" in the startup preferences.
For PD-Extented or Linux 32 bits, replace the hoa.library external (.pd_linux, .pd_darwin or .dll) with the one that matchs to your system and your PD distribution from the externals folder.
For PD-Extented use the startup flags "-lib hoa.library" (or "-lib HoaLibrary/hoa.library" if you use another folder than the default ones).
In the help menu of Pure Data, the HoaLibrary folder constains informations, helps and tutorials.
Remove the "HoaLibrary" folder and the startup flag .
You need to install the Cream library.
HoaLibrary v2.0 for Max
HoaLibrary version 2.0 include a lot of new objects and features, including the 3D ambisonic rendering.
Important : If you have already install a previous version of the library, you should uninstall it before installing this new one. The HoaLibrary version 2.0 is compatible for Max 6.1 and higher, on Windows and Mac, both in 32/64bit mode. To install it, simply drag the HoaLibrary Package in your Max Package directory.
Feedback and comments are welcome. Contacts us.
All sources codes are available on the HoaLibrary Github repository.
HoaLibrary VST
HoaLibrary for Pd Beta 2.0
Beta release of the new version of the HoaLibrary for Pure Data. Please look at the readme and the changelog files.
You need to install the CreamLibrary to use the HoaLibrary.
Hoa.library v1.3.1 for Max
Hoa library as a suite of objects and patchs for Max software.
Important : If you have already install the previous version of the library, you should uninstall this version before the installation of the new version. The version 1.3.1 is compatible 32 and 64 bits.
Feedback and comments are welcome. Contacts.
All sources codes are available on the HoaLibrary Github repository.
Objects :
- hoa.encoder~ encodes a signal in the circular harmonics domain depending on an order of decomposition and an angle.
- hoa.decoder~ decodes an ambisonic sound field for several loudspeakers configurations or for headphones. (eg. ambisonic | binaural | 5.1 | stereo ..)
- hoa.rotate~ applies a rotation on the ambisonic sound field.
- hoa.plug~ helps the modularization of patches for ambisonic processings.
- hoa.connect helps to connect the hoa externals together.
- hoa.dac~ makes easier the setting of the channels. It works like a dac~ object but you can use the matlab syntax to set the loudspeakers routing.
- hoa.pi is for people that never remember more than 4 decimals or want to initialize a good Pi number.
- hoa.pi~ is a signal version of the hoa.pi object
- hoa.scope~ displays the harmonics of an ambisonic sound field on a circle.
- hoa.projector~ discretizes the ambisonic sound field into an array of virtual microphones.
- hoa.recomposer~ recomposes a plane wave decomposition into circular harmonics and applies sound field transformations.
- hoa.recomposer is a GUI to manipulate virtual microphones and control sound field transformations.
- hoa.meter~ displays the peak levels for a circular array of loudspeakers. It computes and displays the energy and velocity vectors.
- hoa.gain~ is a GUI to control a multichannel gain
- hoa.record~ creates a sfrecord~ object with the best arguments to record of an ambisonic sound field.
- creates an sfplay~ object with the best arguments to play of an ambisonic sound field.
- hoa.optim~ applies optimizations to the circular harmonics.
- allows you to spatialize several sources on a plane.
- is a tool that encodes several sources in the circular harmonics domain. It's easy to use and works with
- hoa.convolve~ uses time domain and frequency domain filtering to apply reveberation on harmonics dependant signals. The zero latency convolution is optimized with an algorithm based on the Gardner's one.
- hoa.wider~ can be used to wide the diffusion of a localised sound. The order depending signals are weighted and appear in a logarithmic way to have linear changes.
- hoa.freeverb~ is based on Schroeder/Moorer reverberation model that uses eight parallel comb filters and four cascaded allpass filters adapted to ambisonic domain.
- allows you to draw spatial filtering and apply gains to the virtual microphones signals. It sould be used with the object in the plane wave domain.
- applies gains to the virtual microphones signal.
- hoa.vector~ displays the coordinates of the velocity vector and the energy vector that characterize a sound field. It's an useful tool to analyse restitution quality.
Patchs :
- creates a diffuse soundfield by modulating the amplitude of the circular harmonics signals.
- hoa.delay~ allows you to delay the differents harmonics.
- hoa.decorrelation~ allows you to delay the differents harmonics depending on the harmonic number to decorrelate the harmonics and generate a diffuse sound field.
- hoa.grain~ synthesizes a diffuse sound field. It uses delay lines and amplitude modulation to create streams of grains. The parameters are scaled depending to the orders to generate a granular sound field.
- hoa.mirror~ applies a weight on the negatives harmonics to add the mirror image of a sound field to itself.
- hoa.mixer~ helps to understand ambisonics and the behavior of the circular harmonics.
- hoa.granular~ synthesizes a diffuse sound field. It uses delay lines and amplitude modulation to create streams of grains. The parameters are scaled depending on the orders to generate a granular sound field.
HoaLibrary v1.1 for FAUST
The Hoa library is available in the functional programming language Faust .
The library contains examples and the hoa.lib file that defines the high order ambisonics functions. The library is already available in the last version of Faust. For anterior version, you can download and add the library manually.
Feedback and comments are welcome. Contacts.
All sources codes are available on the HoaLibrary Github repository.
Functions :
- encoder : encodes a signal in the circular harmonics domain depending on an order of decomposition and an angle.
- decoder : decodes an ambisonics sound field for a circular array of loudspeakers.
- decoderStereo : decodes an ambisonic sound field for stereophonic configuration.
- optimBasic, optimMaxRe, optimInPhase : weights the circular harmonics signals depending to the ambisonics optimization. It can be "basic" for no optimization, "maxRe" or "inPhase".
- wider : can be used to wide the diffusion of a localised sound. The order depending signals are weighted and appear in a logarithmic way to have linear changes.
- map : encodes a source with distance compensation.
- rotate : applies a rotation of the sound field.
The hoa.library in under the GNU Public License. If you’d like to avoid the restrictions of the GPL and use Hoa Library for a closed-source product, you contact the CICM.
Hoa.library for Pd Beta 1.0
Hoa library as a suite of objects and patchs for PureData software.
Important : For Windows, sometimes the windows can have strange behaviors. To avoid this problem you should disable "show window contents while dragging" (Configuration Panel -> System and Security -> System -> System Properties Advanced -> Performance ->Setting).
Feedback and comments are welcome. Contacts.
All sources codes are available on the HoaLibrary Github repository.
Objects :
- hoa.decoder~ : An ambisonic decoder (ambisonic, binaural, irregular configurations).
- hoa.encoder~ : An ambisonic encoder.
- : An ambisonic sources spatializer.
- hoa.delay~ : An ambisonic sound field delay.
- hoa.freeverb~ : An implementation of the freeverb algorithm for ambisonics.
- hoa.grain~ : An ambisonic granular synthesizer.
- : A GUI to spatialize sources on a map.
- hoa.meter~ : A circular meter with sound field descriptor.
- hoa.optim~ : An ambisonic sound field optimization.
- hoa.pi : A good pi number.
- hoa.projector~ : A plane wave decomposer.
- hoa.recomposer~ : A plane wave recomposer to harmonics domain.
- hoa.ringmod~ : An ambisonic sound field ring modulation.
- hoa.rotate~ : An ambisonic sound field rotation external.
- hoa.scope~ : An ambisonic harmonic scope.
- : A GUI to design ambisonic space.
- : A spatial filter.
- hoa.wider~ : A fractional ambisonic orders simulator.
The hoa.library in under the GNU Public License. If you’d like to avoid the restrictions of the GPL and use Hoa Library for a closed-source product, you contact the CICM.