CICE version 5.1
New Features in CICE 5.1
- include uice, vice in atm-ice coupling updates (e.g. stress) for high frequency coupling
- variable coefficient for ice-ocean heat flux
new namelist options
- ''gridcpl_file'' allows ice coupling on different grid than computation (default off with no impact)
- ''bfbflag'' controls bit-for-bit global sums for global_sum_dbl and global_sum_prod_dbl
- ''natmiter'' for the number of iterations used in the atmo boundary layer routine.
- ''highfreq'' for high-frequency coupling
- additional ''grid_type='regional' '' (for RASM)
- ''fbot_xfer_type'' allows variable coefficient for ice-ocean heat flux
- ''l_mpond_fresh'' turns fresh water flux from topo ponds on/off
- ''tfrz_option'' for ocean freezing temperature
- ''kalg'' for algae influence on delta Eddington radiation
- ''Cf'' for frictional dissipation during mechanical deformation
- flags for additional output in history
bug fixes
- vertical thermo: fix error abort messages
- BL99 thermo: base temperature convergence check on 0 rather than puny
- mushy thermo: correct double accounting of snow ice formation in coupling variables
- mushy thermo: correct snow ice formation energy for nslyr > 1
- level-ice ponds: fix dhlid for surface inversions
- level-ice ponds: remove snowinfil option (default = ON)
- level-ice ponds: do not reset dhs when restarting
- topo ponds: limit snow fraction based on pond fraction
- topo ponds: use category temperatures instead of average temperature
- topo ponds: alter lid growth calculation
*topo ponds: set limits for pond area, depth to avoid divide-by-zero - topo ponds: abort if brine salinity = 0
- delta Eddington radiation: initialize AOPs within ij loop
- delta Eddington ponds: use consistent array indices
- evp: update stress tensor halos on the tripole grid
- formdrag: calculate coefficients for ice cover fraction greater than 0.001
- formdrag: remove extra ice-area multiplicative factors
- formdrag: do not allow ridge height to be less than freeboard, or keel depth to be less than draft
- transport: change indices from real to integer kind
- mechanical redistribution: correct volume of snow lost in leads for nslyr > 1
- zbgc: rearrange namelist read commands for NAG compiler
- OpenMP: fix OMP directives
- history: fix sice attributes for netCDF
- pio: now works (in CESM only)
- spacecurve: fix decomposition
- initialization: aggregate all tracers upon restart initialization
- initialization: indxi, indxj in ice_ocean.F90 and ice_step.F90
- initialization: set level ice fraction = 1 when not restarting
- initialization: update halos before aggregating when not restarting
- initialization: set nonzero Cdn_atm
- initialization: supply location and type information when reading tracer restart fields
- restarts: fix restart_dir default setting
- array-out-of-bounds error: alter conditionals in mpi/ice_boundary.F90
- array-out-of-bounds error: wrap eice_init in l_conservation_check conditional
- array-out-of-bounds error: make flux_bio optional
- array-out-of-bounds error: calculate vice_init only if l_conservation_check=T
- divide-by-zero error: avoid compiler complaints when nblyr=0 and vertical bgc grid is not used
other software enhancements
- more flexible mpicom setting, fully backwards compatible
- make ''nml_filename'' size 32 chars instead of 6.
- add tr_pond_cesm check
- add force_restart_now flag to allow external (CESM) to force a restart as needed
- add check in ice distribution if number of blocks is too small
- update missing value in netcdf output
- refactor rad_to_deg conversion in history output for consistency and parallelism
- modify history fields setting for histfreq field, more flexible and robust.
- modify history fields f_ checking: move away from first char ''x'' limitation, more flexible.
- history variables are now managed internally first by stream, then by variable
- make time2sec public in ice_calendar
- minor fix to order of ''call calendar'' in the v4 restart file subroutine
- make orbital variables public
- add bit-for-bit global sums for global_sum_dbl and global_sum_prod_dbl (''bfbflag'')
- add ''grid_type='regional' ''
- add ''uninit'' debugging flag
- modify some save and intent statements
- refactor enthalpy adjustment in layers for improved efficiency
- open binary files for direct-access reading and writing on the extended grid
- allow topo ponds to be used without the delta Eddington radiation scheme (''heat_capacity=F, calc_Tsfc=F'')
diagnostics and documentation
- limit redistribution diagnostics to category 1
- save full area, volume redistribution diagnostics instead of fractions
- add age diagnostics
- add total number of blocks diagnostic at initialization
- add history fields (''vsnon, alvdf, alidf, fswint_ai, keffn_top, blkmask, uatm, vatm, fsensn_ai,'' 3D and 4D dimensions)
- add ''io_flavor'' attribute to distinguish PIO from regular netcdf output
- more specific title in netcdf files
- ''print_points_state'' subroutine for explicit point diagnostics only
- add sums to min, max diagnostics
- turn on diagnostics when reading restart files
- add doc/PDF/CMHB_IJHPCA2014.pdf
- update cicedoc.pdf
Hadley Centre
- correct ORCA grid size when using restart_ext
- add cpp wrappers
- add specific communicators
- keep all blocks, including all-land blocks
- fill ghost cells of all-land blocks with special values, on the extended grid
- ''CCSMCOUPLED'' ifdef replaces ''CCSM'' and ''SEQ_MCT''
- add ''coszen'' restart field
- update abort process for CESM
- add rpointer files
- add output file naming convention
- multiple instance support
- support gregorian calendar in orbital settings
- update cesm prescribed ice
- CESM initialization needs
- use different value of ''isec'' for CESM
- modify ice-atm-ocean coupling (''Uref'') for CESM
- add ''nextsw_cday'' for CESM use
- add driver/cesm/
- update Macros and run file for yellowstone
- additional ''grid_type='regional' '' for RASM
- adjust time for year_init
- avoid certain grid-related code for prescribed-ice mode